Principles and practice of hospital medicine / by Sylvia McKean [and four others].

载体形态 |
1 online resource (xl, 2310 pages) : illustrations
书目 |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容 |
Part I. The specialty of hospital medicine and systems of care -- Section 1. Key issues in hospital medicine -- Section 2. Patient safety -- Section 3. Quality improvement -- Section 4. Leadership and practice management skills -- Section 5. Professionalism and medical ethics -- Section 6. Medical legal issues and risk management -- Section 7. Teaching and development -- Part II. Medical consultation and co-management -- Section 1. Core tenets of medical consultation -- Section 2. Key issues relating to surgery -- Section 3. Anesthesia -- Section 4. Perioperative assessment and management -- Section 5. Perioperative antithrombotic management and prevention -- Section 6. Medical management of neurosurgical patients -- Section 7. Medical management of orthopedic surgery patients -- Section 8. Bariatric surgery -- Part III. Clinical problem-solving in hospital medicine -- Part IV. Approach to the patient at the bedside -- Part V. Hospitalist skills -- Section 1. Interpretation of common tests -- Section 2. Optimizing utilization of radiology services -- Section 3. Procedures -- Part VI. Clinical conditions -- Section 1. Emergency medicine -- Section 2. Cardiovascular medicine -- Section 3. Critical care -- Section 4. Dermatology -- Section 5. Endocrinology -- Section 6. Gastroenterology -- Section 7. Geriatrics -- Section 8. Hematology -- Section 9. Oncology -- Section 10. Infectious disease -- Section 11. Neurology -- Section 12. Palliative care -- Section 13. Pregnancy -- Section 14. Psychiatry -- Section 15. Addiction -- Section 16. Pulmonary and allergy immunology -- Section 17. Renal -- Section 18. Rheumatology -- Section 19. Vascular medicine -- Section 20. Wartime medicine.
The face of health care emerging issues for hospitalists / Ian Morrison -- Global health and hospital medicine / Joseph Rhatigan -- Racial/ethnic disparities in hospital care / Lenny Lopez -- The interface between primary care and hospital medicine / Stacy Higgins -- The core competencies in hospital medicine / Tina Budnitz -- Principles of patient safety / Alexander R. Carbo -- The role of hospitalists in creating a culture of safety / Lakshmi K. Halasyamani -- Diagnostic errors / Gordon D. Schiff -- Communication and transition errors / Vineet M. Arora -- Medication errors / Nicole L. Metzger -- Principles of evidence-based prescribing / Brent G. Petty -- Tools to identify problems and reduce risks / Nathan Spell -- Quality improvement and safety research / Jeffrey L. Schnipper -- Principles and models of quality improvement: plan-do-study-act / Emmanuel S. King -- Measurement and measures in hospital medicine / Chad T. Whelan -- Standardization and reliability / Richard S. Gitomer -- The role of information technology in hospital quality and safety / Saverio Maviglia -- Principles of leadership / Steven Weinberger -- The economics of hospital care / David Meltzer -- Use of lean principles in hospital process improvement / Daniel J. Hanson -- Teamwork in leadership and practice-based management / Scot T. Smith -- Patient centered care / Kenneth E. Sands -- Finance in the health care sector / Farshid Kazi.
Strategic planning: demonstrating value and report cards of key performance measures / Caleb P. Hale -- Negotiation and conflict resolution / Leslie A. Flores -- Building, growing, and managing a hospitalist practice / Robert A. Bessler -- Designing a hospitalist compensation and bonus plan / John Nelson -- Clinical documentation for hospitalists / Scott Manaker -- Best practices in physician recruitment and retention / Kirk Mathews -- For the individual: career sustainability and avoiding burnout / Keiki Hinami -- Strategies for cost-effective care / Joseph Ming Wah Li -- Principles of medical ethics / Milda R. Saunders -- Common indications for ethics consultation / Heather X. Cereste -- Medical-legal concepts: advance directives and surrogate decision making / Kelly Armstrong -- Preventing and managing adverse patient events: patient safety and the hospitalist / Timothy B. McDonald -- Medical malpractice / Adam C. Schaffer -- Principles of adult learning and continuing medical education / Jeffrey A. Tabas -- Setting a learning environment in the hospital / Anjala V. Tess -- Mentorship of peers and trainees / Aubrey Orion Ingraham -- Cultural sensitivity training / Desiree Lie -- The use of patient simulation in medical training: from medical school to clinical practice / Andrew Nevins -- Role of the medical consultant / Steven L. Cohn -- Definition, principles, and goals of comanagement / Hugo Quinny Cheng -- Physiologic response to surgery / Marisa Cevasco -- Perioperative hemostasis / Zara Cooper.
Postoperative complications / Zara Cooper -- Surgical tubes and drains / Zara Cooper -- Anesthesia: choices and complications / Aeron Doyle -- Perioperative pain management / Darin J. Correll -- Antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery / Daniel A. Anaya -- Preoperative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative management / Steven L. Cohn -- Cardiac complications after noncardiac surgery / Jeffrey Carter -- Preoperative evaluation of liver disease / Amir A. Qamar -- Nutrition and metabolic support / Nicole M. Bedi -- Preoperative pulmonary risk assessment / Kurt Pfeifer -- Management of postoperative pulmonary complications / William I. Levin -- Assessment and evaluation of the renal patient / Albert Q. Lam -- Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in patients requiring nonorthopedic surgery / Menaka Pai -- Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in patients requiring orthopedic surgery / Menaka Pai -- Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients / Menaka Pai -- Perioperative management of patients who are receiving oral anticoagulant therapy / Marco Paolo Donadini -- Perioperative management of patients who are receiving antiplatelet therapy / Marco Paolo Donadini -- Common neurosurgical conditions / Abel Po-Hao Huang -- Common complications in neurosurgery / Khalid Medani -- Common orthopedic surgical procedures / William Whang -- Rehabilitation of the orthopedic surgical patient / Doris J. Armour.
Co-management of orthopedic patients / Christopher Whinney -- Common surgical options for treatment of obesity / Jacqueline J. Wu -- Principles of evidence-based medicine / Jeffrey S. Ginsberg -- The quality of evidence / Jeremy Paikin -- Role of diagnostic testing in patient care / Jeffrey S. Ginsberg -- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis / Mark A. Crowther -- Knowledge translations to clinical practice / Andrew Mente -- Acute abdominal pain / Norton J. Greenberger -- Acute back pain / Marzouq Awni Qubti -- Bleeding and coagulopathy / Meridale Baggett -- Chest pain / Mary C. Westergaard -- Constipation / Linda Lee -- Delirium / Karin J. Neufeld -- Diarrhea / Danielle B. Scheurer -- Disorders of the eye / Ala Moshiri -- Dizziness and vertigo / Joseph M. Furman -- Dyspnea / Tracy J. Wanner -- Edema / Teresa L. Carman -- Falls / Rollin M. Wright -- Fever and rash / Shanta M. Zimmer -- Headache / Rafael H. Llinas -- Hemoptysis / Christian A. Merlo -- Hypertension / Nicholas Tsapatsaris -- Hyperthermia / fever / Chad S. Miller -- Hypotension / Danielle Jones -- Hypothermia / Chad S. Miller -- Hypoxia / Natalie E. West -- Insomnia: assessment and management of sleep disorders / Kimberly A. Hardin -- Nausea and vomiting / Susan Y. Quan -- Pain / Meredith C.B. Adams -- Significant co-morbid disease / Rachelle E. Bernacki -- Suspected intoxication and overdose / Carson R. Harris -- Syncope / Kush Agrawal -- Tachyarrthymias / Sylvia C. McKean.
The simplest diagnostic tests / Sylvia C. McKean -- The resting electrocardiogram / Prashant Vaishnava -- Pulmonary function tests / Joseph J. Miaskiewicz -- Urinalysis and urine electrolytes / Adam C. Schaffer -- Introduction to radiology / Francine L. Jacobson -- Patient safety issues in radiology / Aaron Sodickson -- Basic chest radiography (CXR) / Francine L. Jacobson -- Advanced cardiothoracic imaging / Francine L. Jacobson -- Basic abdominal imaging / Francine L. Jacobson -- Advanced abdominal imaging / Francine L. Jacobson -- Neurologic imaging / Francine L. Jacobson -- Critical thinking / Francine L. Jacobson -- Introduction to procedures / Grace C. Huang -- Lumbar puncture / Claude Killu -- Central line placement / Bradley T. Rosen -- Paracentesis / Sally Wang -- Thoracentesis / Christopher Parks -- Arthrocentesis / Elinor Mody -- Placement of nasogastric tube / Ruma Rajbhandari -- The principles and practice of emergency medicine / Todd L. Berger -- Inpatient cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation / John E. Moss -- Intubation and airway support / Bisan A. Salhi -- Co-management of patients in the emergency department / Laurence Beer -- Acute coronary syndromes / Brian G. Hynes -- Cardioversion / J. Ryan Jordan -- Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias / Elbert B. Chun -- Bradyarrhythmias / Michael J. Pistoria -- Ventricular arrhythmias / Luis F. Mora -- Pacemakers, defibrillators, and cardiac resynchronization devices in hospital medicine / Michael H. Hoskins.
Heart failure / Julio A. Barcena -- Valvular heart disease / Patrick Willis -- Myocarditis, pericardial disease, and cardiac tamponade / Benjamin D. Mackie -- The role of the hospitalist in critical care / Kristin R. Wise -- Acute respiratory distress syndrome / Corey D. Kershaw -- Analgesia, paralytics, and sedation / Gary Margolias -- Prevention in the intensive care unit setting / Laura Evans -- Respiratory failure / Eric M. Siegal -- Sepsis / Kevin Felner -- Surgical critical care / Zara Cooper -- The family meeting in the ICU / Allison S. Friedenberg -- Flushing and urticaria / Lisa M. Grandinetti -- Adverse cutaneous drug reactions / Nicole F. Velez -- Papulosquamous disorders / Anne E. Allan -- Pressure ulcers / Courtney H. Lyder -- Diabetic foot infections / John M. Embil -- Venous ulcers / Katherine L. Brown -- Dermatologic findings in systemic disease / Jennifer K. Tan -- Glycemic emergencies / Margo S. Hudson -- Inpatient management of diabetes and hyperglycemia / Jeffrey L. Schnipper -- Thyroid emergencies / Jill M. Paulson -- Adrenal insufficiency / Elaine C. Lin Liew -- Pituitary disease / Shilpa H. Jain -- Dysphagia, aspiration and swallowing dysfunction / Anupama Ravi -- Gastroesophageal reflux disease and esophagitis / Walter W. Chan -- Upper gastrointestinal bleeding / Brian H. Hyett -- Acute pancreatitis / Bechien U. Wu -- Biliary disease: jaundice, obstruction, and acute cholangitis / John Baillie -- Acute liver disease / Ryan M. Ford -- Cirrhosis and its complications / Patricia Wong.
Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding / Linda S. Lee -- Small bowel disorders / Anne C. Travis -- Large bowel disorders / Shachi Tyagi -- Inflammatory bowel disease / Jan-Michael A. Klapproth -- Principles of geriatric care / William L. Lyons -- The geriatric history and physical examination / Arline D. Bohannon -- Agitation in older adults / Caroline N. Harada -- Elder mistreatment / Karin Ouchida -- Functional decline / Melissa Mattison -- The frail hospitalized patient / Elizabeth Lindenberger -- Incontinence / Alayne D. Markland -- Polypharmacy in the hospitalized elderly / Emily R. Hajjar -- Hospital discharge to the nursing home / Miguel A. Paniagua -- Abnormalities in red blood cells / Madeleine Verhovsek -- Disorders of the white cell / Blair J.N. Leonard -- Quantitative abnormalities of platelets: thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis / Theodore E. Warkentin -- Approach to patients with bleeding disorders / Kathryn Webert -- Transfusion of blood components, derivatives and their adverse effects / Elianna Saidenberg -- Hypercoagulable states / Sam Schulman -- Hematologic malignancies / Elizabeth F. Krakow -- Management of emergencies in patients with hematologic malignancies / Elizabeth F. Krakow -- Overview of cancer and treatment / Rachel Goodwin -- Oncologic emergencies / J. Ashley Davidson -- Common issues specific to common cancers / Michael Sanatani -- Diagnostic workup of unknown primary / Puneet Bains -- Fundamentals of antibiotics / Matthew E. Falagas.
Antibiotic resistance / Luisa Silvia Munoz-Price -- Peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess / Shira Doron -- Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) / Danielle B. Scheurer -- Community-acquired pneumonia / Daniel M. Musher -- Fever in the returning traveler / Serena Koenig -- Fever of unknown origin / David A. Oxman -- Candida and aspergillus / John J. Ross -- Histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and other dimorphic fungi / Donald C. Vinh -- Healthcare and hospital-acquired pneumonia / Michael Klompas -- Approach to the patient with HIV / Claire Farel -- Intravascular catheter-related infections: management and prevention / Saima Aslam -- Infective endocarditis / Thomas A. Owens -- Infections of the immunocompromised host / Sarah P. Hammond -- Meningitis and encephalitis / Karen L. Roos -- Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis / Yonatan H. Grad -- Prosthetic joint infections / Geoffrey Tsaras -- Sexually transmitted infections / Clare Rock -- Skin and soft tissue infections / Cameron Ashbaugh -- Tuberculosis / Michael Gardam -- Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis / John J. Ross -- Viral infections / Stephen B. Greenberg -- The neurologic examination / David J. Likosky -- Stupor and coma / Nicholas D. Schiff -- Intracranial hemorrhage and related conditions / Alexander E. Ropper -- Transient ischemic attack and stroke / Galen V. Henderson -- Parkinson disease and related disorders / Joseph N. Rudolph.
Seizures / Susan M. Palac -- Multiple sclerosis / John J. Ross -- Peripheral neuropathy / Kaveh Saremi -- Principles of palliative care / Rachelle E. Bernacki -- Structure and process: communication / Amanda L. Caissie -- Domains of care: physical aspects of care / Cindy Lien -- Psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual aspects / Stephanie Grossman -- Care of the imminently dying patient / Rita F. Moldovan -- Overview of physiologic changes of pregnancy / Meghan Hayes -- Medication management / Raymond O. Powrie -- Critical care of the pregnant patient / Meghan Hayes -- Common medical problems in pregnancy / Niharika D. Mehta -- Postpartum consultation for common complaints / Courtney Bilodeau -- Mood and anxiety disorders / Martha C. Ward -- Assessment and management of psychosis / Anand K. Pandurangi -- Decision-making capacity / Raymond Young -- Eating disorders / Angela S. Guarda -- The suicidal patient / Robert K. Schneider -- The difficult patient / Glenn J. Treisman -- Approach to the patient with multiple unexplained somatic symptoms / Anne F. Gross -- Patients with multiple unexplained somatic symptoms / Mary Eno -- Sedatives / Eric D. Collins -- Opioids / John A. Hopper -- Stimulants / Christina M. Delos Reyes -- Other drugs of abuse / Michael Weaver -- Allergy and anaphylaxis / Kimberly D. Manning -- Asthma / Fernando Holguin -- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / Gerald W. Staton -- Cystic fibrosis / David Tong.
Interstitial and diffuse parenchymal lung diseases / Sonye K. Danoff -- Sleep apnea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome / Ashish Mehta -- Pleural diseases / Christopher Parks -- Pulmonary hypertension / Allan J. Walkey -- Acid-base disorders / Vijay H. Lapsia -- Acute kidney injury / Kuyilan Karai Subramanian -- Calcium disorders / Elizabeth H. Holt -- Chronic kidney disease and dialysis / Ursula C. Brewster -- Disorders of sodium and water balance / Elwaleed A. Elhassen -- Potassium and magnesium disorders / Steven M. Gorbatkin -- Kidney stones / Victor F. Seabra -- Hypertensive urgencies / Marcos Lepe -- Secondary hypertension / William J. Elliott -- Rheumatologic emergencies / Paul F. Dellaripa -- Gout, pseudogout, and osteoarthritis / Robert T. Keenan -- Systemic lupus erythematosus / Lisa Criscione-Schreiber -- Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory arthritides / Lisa Criscione-Schreiber -- Physical therapy and rehabilitation / Thomas E. McNalley -- Diagnosis of venous thromboembolism / Lori-Ann Linkins -- Treatment of venous thromboembolism / Lori-Ann Linkins -- Anticoagulant therapy / John Eikelboom -- Diseases of the aorta / Tareck Nossuli -- Peripheral arterial disease / Catherine McGorrian -- Vasculitis / Paul A. Monach -- Hospital disaster emergency preparedness / Steven B. Deitelzweig -- Bioterrorism / Daniel S. Shapiro -- Combat stress and related disorders / Harold Kudler -- Blast-induced traumatic brain injury and polytrauma / Ricky Kue -- Hospitalists in the Veterans Health Administration: an integrated health care system / Peter J. Kaboli.
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Print version record.
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Print version: 9786613616890 (DLC) 2011038621
国际标准书号 |
9780071603898 (hardback)
0071603891 (hardback)
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