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American nursing : a biographical dictionary / [edited by] Vern L. Bullough, Olga Maranjian Church, Alice P. Stein.



University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library

REF. 610.7309 A512A


In-Library Use Only


University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library

REF. 610.7309 A512A


In-Library Use Only


University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library

REF. 610.7309 A512A


In-Library Use Only

Тип Материала
New York : Garland, 1988-2000.

Дополнительная Информация

3 volumes : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Garland reference library of social science ; vol. 368, 684
Garland reference library of social science ; v. 368, etc.
Vol. 2 edited by Vern L. Bullough, Lilli Sentz, and Alice P. Stein.
Vol. 3 edited by Vern L. Bullough, and Lilli Sentz, and published by Springer.
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
Contains biographies of 175 women and two men nursing leaders. Most entrants were born before 1900. Signed entries give lengthy biographical information, references, and life dates. Many photographs and drawings.
Vol. 1: Charlotte Albina Aikens. Louisa May Alcott. Anna Lowell Alline. Sister Bernadette Armiger. Margaret Gene Arnstein. Anne Lucippa Austin. Harriet Bailey. Clara (Clarissa Harlow) Barton. Mary Beard. Sister Mary Berenice Beck. Nell Viola Beeby. Mary Ann Ball Bickerdyke. Sister Kathleen Black. Elizabeth Blackwell. Florence Guinness Blake. Florence Aby Blanchfield. Mabel Thorp Boardman. Frances Payne Bingham Bolton. Mary Breckinridge. Frances V. Brink. Elizabeth Chamberlain Burgess. May Ayres Burgess. Ida de Fatio Butler. Ida Maud Cannon. Alice Griffith Carr. Teresa Elizabeth Christy. S. Lillian Clayton. Genevieve Cooke. Ella Phillips Crandall. Frances Elisabeth Crowell. Kate Cumming. Florence Dakin. Annie Damer. Frances Elliott Davis. Jane Arminda Delano. Dorothy Deming. Sister Mary Joseph Dempsey. Mary Elizabeth Brown Dewey. Katherine De Witt. A. Louise Dietrich. Dorothea Lynde Dix. Lavinia Lloyd Dock. Margaret Baggett Dolan. Sister Mary Domitilla. Edith Augusta Draper. Katharine Jane Densford Dreves. Lucy Lincoln Drown. Adda Eldredge --
Betty Louise Evans. Irene Taylor Fallon. Sister Elisabeth Fedde. Alice Louise Fitzgerald. Edna Lois Foley. Elizabeth Gordon Fox. Susan C. Francis. Martha Minerva Franklin. Ruth Benson Freeman (Fisher). Sister John Gabriel. Nina Diadamia Gage. Mary Sewall Gardner. Alma Elizabeth Gault. Janet M. Geister.Leila Ione Given. Mary Elizabeth Gladwin. Elizabeth Conde Glenn. Hazel Avis Goff. Emma Goldman. Minnie Goodnow. Annie Warburton Goodrich. Stella Goostray. Sister Mary Olivia Gowan. Elinor Delight Gregg. Lystra Gretter. Carrie May Hall. Lydia Eloise Hall. Anne Lyon Hansen. Bertha Harmer. Esther Voorhees Hasson. Alma Cecelia Haupt. I. Malinde Havey. Sally Cain Hawkins. Nellie Xenia Hawkinson. Helen Scott Hay. Mary Eugenie Hibbard. Mary Agnes Hickey. Agatha Cobourg Hodgins. May Shiga Hornback. Thelma Marguerite Ingles. Anna C. Jammé. Sally Lucas Jean. Deborah MacLurg Jensen. Florence Merriam Johnson. Joanna Mabel Johnson. Julia Crystine Kasmeier. Sister Elizabeth Kenny. Alice Magaw Kessel. Dita Hopkins Kinney. Ellen Newbold LaMotte. Mathild Helen Krueger Lamping. Rose Hawthorne Lathrop (Mother Alphonsa). Eleanor Lee. Mary E. Lent. Mary Ashton Rice Livermore. Laura Rebekah Logan. Clara Louise Maass. Anita Newcomb McGee. Isabel McIsaac. Pearl L. McIver. M. Helena McMillan. Mary Eliza Mahoney. Ada Mayo Stewart Markolf. Stella S. Mathews. Mary Lathrop Wright Matthews. Anna Caroline Maxwell. Darius Ogden Mills. Lucy Minnigerode. Maude Blanche Muse. Mildred Emily Newton. Clara Dutton Noyes. Mary Adelaide Nutting --
Katherine M. Olmsted. Betty Ann Olsen. Geneva Estelle Massey Riddle Osborne. Sophia French Palmer. Sara Elizabeth Parsons. Mavis Orisca Pate. Blanche Pfefferkorn. Harriet Newton Phillips. Mary Genevieve Phillips. Drusilla Rageu Poole. Amy Elizabeth Pope. Louise Matilda Powell. Sister Regina Purtell. Frances Reiter. Helena Willis Render. Linda Ann Judson Richards. Mary Roberts Rinehart. Isabel Adams Hampton Robb. Mary May Roberts. Margaret Sanger. Helen Irene Denne Schulte. Louisa Lee Schuyler. Alma Ham Scott. Emma Edmonds Seelye. Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton. Clara S. Weeks Shaw. Nancy Cornelius Skenadore. Elizabeth Sterling Soule. Adele Grace Stahl. Mabel Keaton Staupers. Jessie Lulu Stevenson (West). Isabel Maitland Stewart. Julia Catherine Stimson. Euphemia Jane Taylor. Frances Charlotte Thielbar. Barbara Anna Thompson (Sharpless). Dora Elizabeth Thompson. Julia Charlotte Thompson. Adah Belle Samuels Thomas. Shirley Carew Titus. Sally Tompkins. Ella King Newsom Trader. Harriet (Araminta) Ross Tubman. Katherine Tucker. Daisy Dean Urch. Margaret Doolin Utinsky. Carolyn Conant Van Blarcom. Cornelia Van Kooy. Ellwyne Mae Vreeland. Lillian D. Wald. Mary Curtis Wheeler. Walt (Walter) Whitman. Emilie Willms. Anna Dryden Wolf. George Anna Muirson Woolsey. Marie Marguerite Dufrost de Lajemmerais d'Youville. Louise Zabriskie --
Vol. 2: Ellen Gertrude Ainsworth -- Marian Alford -- Lydia E. Anderson -- Mother Angela (Eliza Maria Gillespie) -- Edith Augusta Ariss -- Lois Marintha Austin -- Lucy C. Ayers -- Edith Annette Aynes -- Bessie Baker -- Emma Maud Banfield -- Mary Rose Batterham -- Anna Totman Beckwith -- Edna Behrens -- Eleanor Robson Belmont -- Jeannie Saylor Berthold -- Ella Best -- Jcsephine Beatrice Bowman -- Rena E. Boyle -- Annie M. Brainard -- Mary Williams Brinton -- Marion Turner Brockway -- Brother Sebastian Brogan -- Amy Frances Brown -- Martha Marie Montgomery Brown -- Sadie Johnson Metz Brown -- Helen Edith Browne -- Mother de Sales Browne (Frances Browne) -- Helen Lathrop Bunge -- Charlotte Burgess -- Mother St. Frances Xavier (Mother) Cabrini -- Lillian (Bessie) Carter -- Martha Jenks Wheaton Chase -- Luther P. Christman -- Ellen Evalyn Church (Marshall) -- Martha Jane Clement -- Anna Laura Cole -- Charity E. Collins -- Hazel Corbin -- Pearl Parvin Coulter -- LeRoy N. Craig -- Namahyoke Gertrude (Sockum) Curtis -- Emma D. Cushman -- Louise M. Darche -- Sue Sophia Dauser -- Mabel Davies -- Mary E.P. Davis -- Philip Edson Day -- Agnes Gardiner Shearer Deans -- Clare Dennison -- Kezia Payne de Pelchin -- Naomi Deutsch -- Josephine Aloyse Dolan -- Anita Dowling Dorr -- Mary T. Dowling -- Rosemary Ellis -- Bertha Erdmann -- Sara Maiter Errickson -- Maud Frances Essig -- Mary Evans -- Margene Olive Faddis -- Katharine Ellen Faville -- Gertrude LaBrake Fife -- Alice Fisher -- Julia Otteson Flikke -- Beulah Sanford France -- Sister Charles Marie Frank -- Stella Louisa Fuller -- Harriet Fulmer -- Bertha J. Gardner -- Mildred Garrett (Primer) -- Mary Ann Garrison -- Lucy Doman Germain -- Sister Agnes Mary Gonzaga Grace -- Amelia Howe Grant -- Carolyn E. Gray -- Katharine Greenough -- Cordelia Adelaide Perrine Harvey -- Lulu K. Wolf Hassenplug -- Wilma Scott Heide -- Virginia Henderson --
Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee -- Jane Elizabeth Hitchcock -- Myn M. Hoffman -- Aileen I. Hogan -- Lydia Holman -- Marion Gertrude Howell -- Ruth Weaver Hubbard -- Helen Hartley Jenkins -- Ethel Mary Incledon Johns -- Freddie Louise Powell Johnson -- Sally May Johnson -- ElIzabeth Rinker Kratz Jones -- Frederick W. Jones -- Catherine M. Kain -- Mildred Keaton -- Manelva Wylie Keller -- Dorothy Kelly -- Helen Winifred Kelly -- Elizabeth L. Kemble -- Cecelia Rose Kennedy -- Diana E. Clifford Kimber (Sister Mary Diana) -- Gladys Kiniery -- Bertha L Knapp -- Ruth Perkins Kuehn -- Harriet L. Leete -- Lucile Petry Leone -- Edith Patton Lewis -- Harriet (Camp) Lounsberry -- Emily Lemoine Loveridge -- Isabel Wetmore Lowman -- Theresa Inez Lynch -- Nancy A. Lytle -- Sarah Aloysius McCarran -- Ada Belle McCleery -- Helen Grace McClelland -- Annabella McCrae -- Mary Eleanor McGarvah -- Charlotte MacLeod -- Clara Barton McMillen -- Mary G. McPherson -- Florence A. McQuillen -- Ann Kathryn Magnussen -- Mary Ann Maher -- Marguerite Lucy Manfreda -- Bernice D. Mansfield -- Sister Amy Margaret -- Mother Marianne of Molokal -- Julia St. Lo Mellichamp -- Lucy Jane Rider Meyer -- Mary Annice Miller -- Nannie Jacquelen Minor -- Mildred L. Montag -- Willie Carhart Morehead -- Elba Lila Morse -- Mary Kelly Mullane -- Tressie Virgina Myers -- Helen Nahm -- Lalu Nathoy (Polly Bemis) -- Sophie Caroline Nelson -- (Annie) Ethel Northam -- Lucille E. Notter -- Dorothy Jean Novello -- Sylveen V. Nye -- Ethel Janette Odegard -- Mary Agnes O'Donnell -- Agnes K. Ohlson -- Virginia Mae Ohlson -- Marion Gemeth Parsons --
Phoebe Yates Pember -- Hildegard E. Peplau -- Maria Celina Phaneuf -- Lisbeth D. Price -- Anne Prochazka -- Elizabeth Mills Reid -- Mary Margaret Riddle -- Alice M. Robinson -- Martha E. Rogers -- Hannah Anderson (Chandler) Ropes -- Martha Montague Russell -- Katherine Anne Alexia Sanborn -- Marjorie E. Sanderson -- Levia Bissel Sanford -- Emilie Gleason Sargent -- Frances Schervier -- Mathilda Scheuer -- Rozella May Schlotfeldt -- Barbara Gordon Schutt -- Jessie M. Scott -- Gladys Sellew -- Anna Pearl Sherrick -- Corn E. Simpson -- Margaret Elliot Francis Sirch -- Jessie C. Sleet (Scales) -- Sarah E. Sly -- Martha Ruth Smith -- Brother Camillus Snyder -- Eugenia Kennedy Spalding -- Marietta Burtis Squire -- Mabel Keaton Stauper -- Beatrice Van Homrigh Stevenson -- Anne Hervey Strong -- Elizabeth Eleanor Sullivan -- Irene H. Sutliffe -- Ethel Swope -- Susie (Baker) King Taylor -- Julie Chamberlain Tebo -- Elnore Elvira Thomson -- Margaret Anthony Tracy -- Susan Edith Tracy -- Joyce E. Travelbee -- Sojourner Truth -- Stella Boothe Vail -- Jane Van de Vrede -- Phyllis Jean Verhonick -- Eugenia Helma Waechter -- Lena Angevin Warner -- Emma Louise Warr -- Ysabella Gertrude Waters -- Harriet Helen Werley -- Myrtle Viola Werth -- Claribel Augusta Wheeler -- Carolyn Ladd Widmer -- Mary Bristow Willeford -- Anne A. Williamson -- Maud H. Mellish Wilson -- Sophie Gran Jevne Winton -- Annie Turner Wlttenmyer -- Helen Wood -- Lucia E. Woodward -- Jane Stuart Woolsey -- Mary Lewis Wyche -- Susie Yellowtail -- Helen Young -- Anne Larson Zimmerman --
Vol. 3: Faye Glenn Abdellah -- Jo Ann Ashley -- Edna Mabel Auger -- Hazel M. Avery -- Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte -- Esther Eleanor Bacon -- Virginia Barckley -- Jean Barrett -- Marjorie Bartholf -- Irene L. Beland -- Mary Ellen Birtles -- Ruby Grace Bradley -- Billye Jean Brown -- Lillian Sholtis Brunner -- Ruby F. Bryant -- Ruth Hope Bryce -- Bonnie Bullough -- Irene Mortenson Burnside -- Dorothy Ford Buschmann -- M. Elizabeth Lancaster Carnegie -- Rosie K. Chang -- Ann Livezey Clark -- Mildred Irene Clark -- Virginia Cassady Clinton (Kelley) -- Laura M. Cobb -- Signe Skott Cooper -- Lyle Morrison Creelman -- Ethel Mildred Cryderman -- Ruth Davidow -- Maude Campbell Davison -- Naomi Deutsch -- Mary A. Dineen -- Veronica Margaret Driscoll -- Virginia Mathews Dunbar -- Lillian Dunlap -- Kathleen Wilhelmina Ellis -- Helen Fairchild -- Grace Mitchell Fairley -- Barbara Fassbinder -- Theodora Floyd -- Ada Fort -- Ruth LaVerne Gailman -- Mary Ann Leonarda Garrigan -- Esther Anne Garrison -- Josephine Goldmark -- Effie Anderson Graham -- Mildred May Grandbois -- Mabel F. Gray -- Amelia Greenwald -- Jean Isabel Gunn -- Laurie Martin Gunter -- Gertrude May Hall -- Anne C. Montgomery Hargreaves -- Margaret Harper -- D'Lorz Inez Haynes -- Una H. Haynes -- Anna Mae McCabe Hays -- Bena Henderson -- Franc Florence Henderson -- Mabel Frances Hersey -- Renilda E. Hilkemeyer -- Katherine J. Hoffman -- Edith Folsom Honeycutt --
Jacqueline Rose Hott -- Dorothy Jones Hutchinson -- Eileen M. Jacobi -- Dorothy E. Johnson -- Helen R. Johnson -- Anna Kaplan -- Regina Kaplan -- Lucie S. Kelly -- Margaret E. Kerr -- Imogene M. King -- Alice Young Kohler -- Margaret Brydon Laird -- Sister Marie Denise Lefebvre -- Madeleine Leininger -- Amelia Leino -- Myra Estrin Levine -- Marion Lindeburgh -- Evelyn C. Lundeen -- Theresa I. Lynch -- Marie Ardchronie MacKenzie -- Hazelle Baird Macquin -- Elsie Ott Mandot -- Frances Lucille Mast -- Helen Griffith McArthur -- R. Faye McCain -- Agnes Louise Barland McDaniel -- Mary Luciel McGorkey -- June Mellow -- Hannah D. Mitchell -- Ida V. Moffett -- Sister Alice Montgomery -- Ruth Neil Murry -- Josephine May Nesbit -- Betty Neuman -- Veronica Caulfield O'Day -- Jerome Edwin Olmsted -- Mary D. Osborne -- Edith M. Partridge -- Meta Rutter Pennock (Newman) -- Eliza Farish Pillars -- Gertrude Plotzke -- Mildred Dericott Rordame Quinn -- Dorothy E. Reilly -- Agnes Shoemaker Reinders (Sister M. Theophane) -- Eunice Rivers -- Glenna S. Rowsell -- Hilda Salomon -- Thelma M. Schorr -- Doris Ruhbel Schwartz -- Flora Madeline Shaw -- Marion Winifred Sheahan -- Ruby M. Simpson -- Dorothy M. Smith -- Edith H. Smith -- Agnes Hannah von Kurowsky Stanfield -- Dorothy M. Talbot -- John Devereaux Thompson -- Elnora Elvira Thomson -- Helen Marguerite Tobin -- Florence Schorske Wald -- Mabel A. Wandelt -- Mary Jane Ward -- Lena Angevine Warner -- Mary Margaret Marvin Wayland -- Okel Violet Welsh -- Judith Gage Whitaker -- Jean Scantlion Wilson -- Mary Opal Browne Wolanin -- Bertha Wright.
Nurses -- United States -- Biography -- Dictionaries.
Nurses -- United States -- Biography.
History of Nursing -- United States -- Biography.
Дополнительный автор
Bullough, Vern L.
Church, Olga Maranjian, 1937-
Stein, Alice P.
Sentz, Lilli.
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