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Welfare : opposing viewpoints / James Haley, book editor.



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Тип Материала
San Diego : Greenhaven Press : Thomson/Gale, [2003]

Дополнительная Информация

234 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Opposing viewpoints series
Opposing viewpoints series (Unnumbered)
Presents differing views on the role of welfare in American society, abuses of the system, and possible reforms.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 226-228) and index.
The high value of welfare benefits keeps the poor on welfare / James L. Payne -- A lack of opportunities keeps the poor on welfare / Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein -- Welfare causes an increase in out-of-wedlock births / Michael Tanner and David B. Kopel -- Welfare does not cause an increase in out-of-wedlock births / Michael B. Katz -- Welfare fraud is widespread / James L. Payne -- Insufficient welfare benefits encourage fraud / Karen Seccombe -- The government must enforce child welfare payments / Elaine Sorensen and Ariel Halpern -- Noncustodial fathers should not be required to pay child support / John Smith -- Refugees deserve welfare assistance from the government / Sara Paretsky -- Refugees should be discouraged from accepting welfare / Don Barnett -- Private charity should replace welfare / David Kelley -- Private charity should not replace welfare / Janet Poppendieck -- Religious organizations can reduce poverty / Ronald J. Sider -- Privatization of welfare benefits recipients / Peter Cove -- Privatization of welfare does not benefit recipients / Bill Berkowitz -- The government should discourage welfare dependency / Charles Murray -- Welfare recipients need more government assistance / Jared Bernstein and Mark Greenberg -- Work requirements and government subsidies will reduce poverty / Ron Haskins -- Work requirements harm poor mothers / Randy Albelda -- Welfare policies should discourage out-of-wedlock births / Lisa E. Oliphant -- Welfare policies should not promote marriage / Laurie Rubiner.
Public welfare -- United States -- Juvenile literature.
Public welfare.
Дополнительный автор
Haley, James, 1968-
0737712457 paperback