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African American poets : lives, works, and sources / Joyce Pettis.



University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location

811.009 P511A

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Tipo de material
Pettis, Joyce Owens.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2002.

Más detalles

xiii, 357 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Ai (1947- ) -- Maya Angelou (1928- ) -- Amiri Baraka (1934- ) -- Arna Bontemps (1902-1973) -- Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) -- Sterling Brown (1901-1989) -- Lucille Clifton (1936- ) -- Wanda Coleman (1946- ) -- Jayne Cortez (1936- ) -- Countee Cullen (1903-1946) -- Toi Derricotte (1941- ) -- Rita Dove (1952- ) -- Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906) -- Cornelius Eady (1954- ) --- Mari Evans (n.d.- ) -- Nikki Giovanni (1943- ) -- Jupiter Hammon (1711-1806) -- Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1824-1911) -- Michael S. Harper (1938- ) -- Robert Hayden (1913-1980) -- George Moses Horton (1797?-1883?) -- Langston Hughes (1902-1968) -- Georgia Douglas Johnson (1886-1966) -- James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938) -- June Jordan (1936- ) -- Etheridge Knight (1931-1991) -- Yusef Komunyakaa (1947- ) -- Audre Lorde (1934-1992) -- Nathaniel Mackey (1947- ) -- Haki Madhubuti (1942- ) -- Colleen J. McElroy (1936- ) -- Claude McKay (1889-1948) -- E. Ethelbert Miller (1950- ) -- Thylias Moss (1954- ) -- Marilyn Nelson (1946- ) -- Dudley Randall (1914- ) -- Ishmael Reed (1938- ) -- Carolyn Rodgers (1945- ) -- Sonia Sanchez (1934- ) -- Melvin B. Tolson (1900-1966) -- Jean Toomer (1894-1967) -- Quincy Troupe (1943- ) -- Margaret Abigail Walker (1915-1998) -- Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) -- Jay Wright (1935- ) -- Al Young (1939- ).
American poetry -- African American authors -- Bio-bibliography -- Dictionaries.
American poetry -- African American authors -- Dictionaries.
African American poets -- Biography -- Dictionaries.
African Americans in literature -- Dictionaries.
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African-American poets
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