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Encyclopedia of constitutional amendments, proposed amendments, and amending issues, 1789-2010 / John R. Vile.



West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Reference Material

R 342.7303 VILE

V. 1

Solo Uso En La Biblioteca


West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Reference Material

R 342.7303 VILE

V. 2

Solo Uso En La Biblioteca

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Vile, John R.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, [2010]

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Third edition.
2 volumes (xxxiv, 628, xiv, 28 unnumbered pages) ; 27 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Abington versus Schempp (1963) -- Abolitionists -- Abortion -- Ackerman, Bruce (1943-) -- Adams, A R -- Adams, Frederick Upham (1859-1921) -- Adamson versus California (1947) -- Affirmative action -- Agar, Herbert (1987-1980) -- Agriculture -- Air force -- Albany plan of union -- Aliens -- Alternative US Constitutions, proposed -- Amar, Akhil Reed (1958-) -- Amending process, proposals for changing -- Amendment, definition -- Ames, Herman (1865-1935) -- Annapolis convention -- Anthony, Susan Brownell (1820-1906) -- Antieau, Chester (1913-) -- Antifederalists -- Anti-saloon league -- Archivist of the United States -- Article v of the US Constitution -- Articles of the Confederation -- Association, freedom of -- Attorney general -- Bacon, Selden (1861-1946) -- Bailey, Martin J (1927-2000) -- Baker versus Carr (1962) -- Balanced budget amendment -- Baldwin, Leland (1897-1981) -- Banking -- Bankruptcy -- Barron versus Baltimore (1833) -- Beasley, Robert E -- Becker, Theodore L (1932-) -- Bill of responsibilities -- Bill of Rights -- Bingham, John A (1815-1900) -- Birthright citizenship amendment -- Black, Hugo Lafayette (1886-1971) -- Black panthers -- Blaine amendment -- Boehner versus Anderson -- Boerne, City of V Flores (1997) -- Bricker amendment -- Brown, John (1800-1859) -- Brown versus Board of education (1954) -- Cabinet -- Calhoun, John C (1752-1850) -- Campaign contributions and expenditures -- Capital punishment -- Catt, Carrie Lane Chapman (1859-1947) -- Census -- Chandler versus Wise (1939) -- Child labor amendment -- Chisholm versus Georgia (1793) -- Christian amendment -- Church, Joseph (1918-) -- Citizens for the Constitution, the Constitutional amendment initiative -- Citizenship, definition of -- Citizenship, dual -- Citizenship, loss of -- Citizenship, office holding rights -- Civil rights cases (1883) -- Civil service reform -- Claims against the United States -- Clark, Walter (1846-1924) -- Clinton versus City of New York (1998) -- Coercive use of federal funds -- Coleman, Charles H (1900-1971) -- Coleman versus Miller (1939) -- Colonial charters -- Committee on the Constitutional system -- Communism -- Concurrent powers -- Confederate debt -- Confederate states of America, Constitution of -- Confessions -- Congress, age of members -- Congress, attendance of members -- Congress, commerce powers -- Congress, committee composition -- Congress, district representation -- Congress, emergency functioning -- Congress, filibusters in senate -- Congress, immunity of members -- Congress, legislative veto -- Congress, members' eligibility for other offices -- Congress, overriding judicial decisions -- Congress, power of -- Congress, private bills -- Congress, quorum -- Congress, recall of members -- Congress, representation in -- Congress, Senate Representation -- Congress, size of -- Congress, special elections -- Congress, term lengths -- Congress, term limits -- Congress, vacancies in -- Consensus and the amending process -- Constituent instructions for amending constitutions -- Constitution-21 -- Constitutional amendments, limits on -- Constitutional commissions -- Constitutional convention of 1787 -- Constitutional conventions -- Constitutional interpretation -- Contract with America -- Contracts clause -- Cook versus Gralike (2001) -- Corporations -- Corwin amendment -- Cost-of-living adjustments -- Council of censors -- Council of revision -- Council of state governments -- Court-packing plan -- Cram, Ralph (1863-1942) -- Criminals, early release -- Critical elections -- Crittenden compromise -- Croly, Herbert (1870-1930) -- Cultural and linguistic rights -- Cummings, Richard (1938-) -- Currency -- Customs and usages -- Cutler, Lloyd N (1917-2005) -- Davidson, Jim -- Declaration of Independence -- Defamation -- Deliberation and the amending process -- Democracy and constitutional amendments -- Derogatory material, teaching of -- Dillon, Conley (1906-1987) -- Dillon versus Gloss (1921) -- Dirksen, Everett Mckinley (1896-1969) -- District of Columbia, representation for -- Divided government -- Dodd, Walter F (1880-1960) -- Dodge versus Woolsey (1856) -- Dolbeare, Kenneth (1930-), and Janette Hubbel (1948-) -- Domestic violence, protection against -- Double jeopardy -- Douglass, Frederick (1817-1895) -- Dueling -- Durst, Jack -- Dyer versus Blair (1975) -- Education, establishment of a national university -- Education, right to -- Eighteenth amendment -- Eighth amendment -- Eiselen, Malcolm R (1902-1965) -- Elections, dates of -- Elections, disputed -- Elections, primary -- Electoral college reform -- Eleventh amendment -- Elliott, William Yandell (1896-1979) -- Ellis, Frederick, and Carl Frederick -- Emancipation proclamation -- Embargoes, arms, loans, and foreign aid -- Embargoes, trade -- Employment opportunity -- Enforcement clauses in amendments -- Engel versus Vitale (1962) -- English Bill of Rights -- English language amendment -- Entrenchment clauses -- Environmental protection -- Equal rights amendments -- Equal suffrage clause -- Ervin, Sam J,jr (1896-1985) -- Executive offices, exclusion from -- Extra constitutional means of change -- Failed amendments -- Fair construction amendment -- Fairchild versus Hughes (1922) -- Fairman, Charles (1897-1988) -- Federal marriage protection amendment -- Federalism and the amending process -- Federalists -- Fifteenth amendment -- Fifth amendment -- Finer, Herman (1898-1969) -- Finletter, Thomas (1893-1980) -- First amendment -- Fisher, Pual (1913-2006) -- Fisher, Sidney George (1809-1875) -- Flag desecration -- Flag salute -- Fourteenth amendment -- Fourth amendment -- Free enterprise -- Free trade -- Freedmen, redistributing of -- Garcia versus San Antonio Metropolitan transit authority (1985) -- Gardiner, William (1885-?) -- Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879) -- General welfare -- Gerrymandering -- Gillman, Steve -- Governors, role in the amending process -- Grand jury -- Griswold versus Connecticut (1965) -- Guarantee clause -- Hamilton Alexander (1755-1804) -- Hamilton, Hugh L -- Hans versus Louisiana (1890) -- Hardin, Charles (1908-1997) -- Harper versus Virginia state board of elections (1966) -- Hartford convention -- Hawes, Robert F Jr (1973-) -- Hawke versus Smith (I) (1920) -- Hawke versus Smith (II) (1920) -- Hazlitt, Henry (1894-1993) -- Hehmeyer, Alexander (1910-1993) -- Henderson, Yandell (1873-1974) -- Highways -- Hillhouse, James (1754-1832) -- History of Constitutional amendments in the United States -- Hollingworth versus Virginia (1798) -- Hopkins, Caspar (1826-1893) -- Housing --
Idaho versus Freeman (1981) -- Immigration, illegal -- Impeachment -- Implementation dates of amendments -- Incorporation of the bill of rights -- Initiative and referendum -- Insurance -- Intermarriage -- Internal improvements -- Internet -- Jackson, Jesse L, Jr (1965-) -- Jameson, John A (1824-1890) -- Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) -- Jeffs, Daniel B -- Joint resolution -- Judiciary, advisory opinions by -- Judiciary, age limits for members -- Judiciary, compensation of members -- Judiciary, court of the Union -- Judiciary, emergency replacement of members -- Judiciary, exercise of judicial review by -- Judiciary, jurisdiction of -- Judiciary, limits on taxing power -- Judiciary, number of Supreme Court justices -- Judiciary, office holding by members -- Judiciary, organization of -- Judiciary, qualifications of members -- Judiciary, recall of members -- Judiciary, removal of members -- Judiciary, selection of members -- Judiciary, terms of office -- Jury trials -- Kimble versus Swackhamer (1978) -- Kirstein, Herbert C -- Krusch, Barry (1958-) -- Labor, convict -- Labor, hours of -- Labunski, Richard -- Land, division of -- Lawrence, William B (1800-1881) -- Lawyers -- Lazare, Daniel (1950-) -- Legislation proposed on constitutional conventions -- Leisure, right to -- Leser versus Garnett (1922) -- Levinson, Sanford (1941-) -- Lieber, Francis (1800-1872) -- Limits on wealth and income -- Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) -- Livermore versus Waite (1894) -- Living constitution -- Lochner versus New York (1905) -- Lockwood, Henry C (1839-1902) -- Lotteries -- Louisiana purchase -- Ludlow amendment -- Luther versus Borden (1849) -- Lynching -- Macdonald, Dwight (1906-1982) -- Macdonald, William (1863-1938) -- Madison, James (1751-1836) -- Magna carta -- Marbury, William -- Murbury versus Madison (1803) -- Marduke, P G -- Marriage and divorce laws -- Marshall, John (1755-1835) -- Marx, Michael -- Mason, George (1725-1792) -- Mccrath, Patrick J (1960-) -- Mcculloch versus Maryland (1819) -- Mckee, Henry S (1868-1956) -- Medical care -- Merriam, Charles (1874-1953) -- Mertens, John -- Migratory birds -- Militia -- Miller, Arthur S (1917-1988) -- Miller, Jeremy M (1954-) -- Minimum wages -- Minnesota boundary -- Minor versus Harpersett (1875) -- Missouri versus Holland (1920) -- Monopolies and trusts -- Morris, Gouverneur (1752-1816) -- Morris, Henry O -- Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880) -- Murder and kidnapping -- Murphy, Cornelius F, Jr (1933-) -- Murphy, Walter F (1929-) -- Myers versus Anderson (1915) -- Nashville convention -- National association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) -- National initiative for democracy -- National prohibition cases (1920) -- Native Americas -- Natural law -- Naylor, Thomas H (1936-), and William H Willimon (1946-) -- Necessary and proper clause -- Nineteenth amendment -- Ninth amendment -- Nordeen, Ross -- Number of proposed amendments -- Objectivist constitution -- Obscenity and pornography -- O'Conor, Charles (1801-1888) -- Office of the federal register -- Offices, forfeiture of, or ineligibility for -- Oregon versus Mitchell (1970) -- Pace, James O (1954-) -- Palko versus Connecticut (1937) -- Palm, Kirby (1955-) -- Parental rights amendment -- Parliamentary sovereignty -- Parliamentary system -- Parochial schools, aid to -- Patents and copyrights -- Paul, Alice (1885-1947) -- Peace convention -- Pei, Mario (1901-1978) -- Pendleton, Edmund (1721-1803) -- Penn, William (1644-1718) -- Pensions -- Petitions for amendments -- Philippine independence -- Piburn, John L (1872-?) -- Placement of constitutional amendments -- Plessy versus Ferguson (1896) -- Political questions -- Pollock versus Farmers' loan & trust co (1895) -- Polygamy -- Post office -- Prayer in public schools -- Preamble to the Bill of Rights -- Preamble to the Constitution -- Presidency, age limits for -- Presidency, appointment and removal powers of -- Presidency, compensation for -- Presidency, creation of a separate chief of state -- Presidency, membership in senate for ex-presidents -- Presidency, oath of -- Presidency, pardon power -- Presidency, plural executive -- Presidency, property seizure powers of -- Presidency, qualifications for -- Presidency, role in the amending process -- Presidency, veto power of -- Presidency, vote of no confidence -- Price controls -- Prior state rejection of amendments -- Privacy, right to -- Progress and the amending process -- Progressive era -- Promulgation of amendments -- Proper government -- Proposal of amendments -- Public choice and constitutional amendments -- Public opinion and the amending process -- Puerto Rico, representation in electoral college -- Ratification of amendments -- Ratification of the existing US and/or future US Constitutions -- Reid versus Covert (1957) -- Relevance of constitutional amendments -- Religious equality amendment -- Reproductive rights -- Rescission of ratification of pending amendments -- Revenue sharing -- Reverence for the Constitution -- Reynolds, Eustace -- Reynolds versus Sims (1964) -- Rice, Isaac L (1850-1915) -- Right to life -- Right to work -- Rigid Constitution -- Robinson, Donald L (1936-) -- Roe versus Wade (1973) -- Sabato, Larry (1952-) -- Safety-valve analogy -- Schlafly, Phyllis (1924-) --
Schmitendorf, James A (1933-) -- School busing -- Schools, public -- Scott, Rodney (1949-) -- Scott versus Sanford (1857) -- Secessionists, limiting the rights of -- Second amendment -- Secretary of state -- Segregation -- Self-incrimination -- Seneca Falls convention (1848) -- Separation of powers and the amending process -- Seventeenth amendment -- Seventh amendment -- Shafroth-Palmer amendment -- Shogan, Robert -- Simpson, Virginia -- Sixteenth amendment -- Sixth amendment -- Slaughterhouse cases (1873) -- Slaveholders, compensation to -- Slavery and colonization -- Slavery, District of Columbia -- Slavery, foreign commerce -- Slavery, insurrections -- Slavery, interstate commerce -- Slavery, protection for -- Slavery, return of fugitives -- Slavery, right to travel with slaves -- Slavery, the territories and -- Smith, Goldwin (1823-1910) -- Smith versus Union bank (1831) -- Social and economic rights -- Social security -- Socialist party of America -- South Carolina versus Baker (1988) -- Sovereignty -- Special prosecutor -- Stability and the amending process -- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902) -- Stare decisis -- State-federal relations -- States, admission of new -- States, boundaries of -- States, Constitutional revision -- States, control over natural resources -- States, legislative apportionment -- States, police powers -- Stickney, Albert (1839-1908) -- Story, Joseph (1779-1845) -- Strittmatter, Bill -- Struble, Robert, Jr -- Substantive due process -- Subversion -- Sundquist, James (1915-) -- Super majorities -- Super-statutes -- Supreme Court decisions reversed by the Constitutional amendments -- Takings clause -- Tariffs -- Taxation, direct -- Taxation, export -- Taxation, inheritance -- Taxation, land -- Taxation, majorities needed to increase -- Taxation, retroactive -- Taxation, state and federal employees -- Taxation, state income tax of nonresidents -- Taxation, state securities -- Tenth amendment -- Territories -- Terrorism -- Texas versus Johnson (1989) -- Third amendment -- Thirteenth amendment -- Three-fifths clause -- Three-fourths majority to ratify amendments -- Tiedeman, Christopher (1857-1904) -- Time limits on amendments -- Titles of nobility -- Toffler, Alvin (1928-), and Heidi (1929-) -- Tonn, Bruce E (1955-) -- Trademarks -- Treason -- Treasury, department of -- Treaties, ratification of -- Truth-in-legislative amendment -- Tugwell, Rexford (1871-1979) -- Tuller, Walter (1886-1939) -- Twelfth amendment -- Twentieth amendment -- Twenty-fifth amendment -- Twenty-first amendment -- Twenty-fourth amendment -- Twenty-second amendment -- Twenty-seventh amendment -- Twenty-sixth amendment -- Twenty-third amendment -- Two-thirds majority to propose amendments -- Unamendments -- Unfunded federal mandates -- Unintended consequences of Constitutional amendments -- United Nations -- United States of America, proposed name changes -- United States versus Chambers (1934) -- United States versus Eichman (1990) -- United States versus Morrison (2000) -- United States versus Sprague (1931) -- Upham, Thomas Carlton (1894-?) -- US term limits, inc versus Thornton (1995) -- Vanguard, Virginia -- Vansickle, John (1965-) -- Vice president -- Victims' rights -- Virginia and Kentucky resolutions -- Virginia declaration of rights -- Voting rights, Constitutional amendments relating to -- Voting rights, literacy tests -- Voting rights, residency requirements -- Wade, Edwin Lee (1932-) -- Wallace, William Kay (1886-?) -- War, declaration of -- War, opposition to government during -- War, power during -- War, prohibition of -- Warren court -- Washington, George (1732-1799) -- Watson, Gregory (1960-) -- Wedgwood, William B (?-1883) -- Welfare payments, right to -- West, James C (?-1946) -- Willard, Frances (1839-1898) -- Willard, Simon, Jr (1795-1874) -- Wilson, Thomas Woodrow (1856-1924) -- Women's Christian temperance union -- Woodhull, Victoria Claflin (1838-1927) -- Woodward, Augustus B -- Workers' compensation laws -- World government.
From the Publisher: First published to universal acclaim, including a "Best Reference Book" citation from Library Journal, John Vile's award-winning Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues has long served as the definitive work on this vast and essential subject. Expanded and updated, the new Third Edition of this landmark resource takes its place as the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference of its kind. With over 500 alphabetically organized entries, the Encyclopedia tells the whole story of constitutional amendments: the rigorous ratification process, the significance of the 27 amendments that made it into the Constitution, and the notable and sometimes preposterous topics of the thousands that did not. The third edition offers a new preface, updated research throughout, and over 75 new entries, including discussions of amendments currently under consideration, such as proposals to ban burning the U.S. flag, legalize school prayer, and compel the federal government to balance the budget.
v. 1. A-M -- v. 2. N-W.
Constitutional amendments -- United States.
9781598843163 hardback alkaline paper
1598843168 hardback alkaline paper