The infamous Ratsos / Kara LaReau ; illustrated by Matt Myers.
true Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department JF LAREAU, K. (EARLY CHAPTER)
Test Revise El Estante |
true Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department J SERIES LIGHTBLUE INFAMOUS RATSOS 1
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bloomfield, McMahon Wintonbury Library - Children's Department J EC LAREAU, K.
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bloomfield, McMahon Wintonbury Library - Children's Department J EC LAREAU, K.
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Main Library - Children's Nutmeg Collection J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Burlington Public Library - Children's Department CHAPTER JF LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department J EASY CHAPTER LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department JEC LAR
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department J* LAREAU (NUTMEG 2021)
Test Revise El Estante |
true East Windsor, Library Association of W JF LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Main Library - Easy Reader Books ER LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Paperbacks J L (NUTMEG 2021)
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department J FICTION LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Storage J FICTION LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSO
Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J NUTMEG21 LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J NUTMEG21 LAREAU
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J NUTMEG21 LAREAU
c.3 Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J PPB NUTMEG21 LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Granby, F.H. Cossitt Branch - Children's J LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Granby, Main Library - Children's Room J LAR NUTMEG
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Granby, Main Library - Children's Room J LAR NUTMEG
Test Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department J E LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Whiton Branch - Basement Materials J E LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department J E LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Paperback JF Pbk LaREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department JBC LAREAU
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nutmeg Nominee J Infamous Ratsos 1
Test Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nutmeg Nominee J Infamous Ratsos 1
Test Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department J FIC LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department J FIC LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department J* LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department J*-PB LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department J*-PB LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Plainville Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Portland Public Library - Children's Department J PB LAR
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department BC LAREAU #1
Test Revise El Estante |
true Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU NUTMEG 2021
Test Revise El Estante Shelved in Childrens' Library |
true South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU NUTMEG 2021 c.3
Test Revise El Estante Shelved in Childrens' Library |
true South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU NUTMEG 2021
c.2 Test Revise El Estante Shelved in Childrens' Library |
true Southington Library - Children J Step-Up Chapter LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Li Juv. 818 L321I
Test Revise El Estante Can be borrowed by USJ patrons only or via ILL |
true West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Fiction J LAREAU KARA
Test Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Early Chapter Books J LAREAU KARA - EARLY CHAPTER
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department JTR I INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department NUTMEG JTR INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department J* LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department JBC-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department JF LAREAU, K. (EARLY CHAPTER)
Test Revise El Estante |
true Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department J SERIES LIGHTBLUE INFAMOUS RATSOS 1
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bloomfield, McMahon Wintonbury Library - Children's Department J EC LAREAU, K.
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bloomfield, McMahon Wintonbury Library - Children's Department J EC LAREAU, K.
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Main Library - Children's Nutmeg Collection J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Burlington Public Library - Children's Department CHAPTER JF LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department J EASY CHAPTER LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department JEC LAR
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
false East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department J LAREAU (NUTMEG 2021)
СРОК ВОЗВРАТА 02-05-21 Billed |
true East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department J* LAREAU (NUTMEG 2021)
Test Revise El Estante |
true East Windsor, Library Association of W JF LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Main Library - Easy Reader Books ER LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Paperbacks J L (NUTMEG 2021)
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department J FICTION LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Storage J FICTION LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSOS
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J BRIDGE INFAMOUS RATSO
Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J NUTMEG21 LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J NUTMEG21 LAREAU
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J NUTMEG21 LAREAU
c.3 Test Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's J PPB NUTMEG21 LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Granby, F.H. Cossitt Branch - Children's J LAR
Test Revise El Estante |
true Granby, Main Library - Children's Room J LAR NUTMEG
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Granby, Main Library - Children's Room J LAR NUTMEG
Test Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department J E LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Whiton Branch - Basement Materials J E LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department J E LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Paperback JF Pbk LaREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department JBC LAREAU
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nutmeg Nominee J Infamous Ratsos 1
Test Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nutmeg Nominee J Infamous Ratsos 1
Test Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department J FIC LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
false New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department J NUTMEG FIC3 LAREAU
Billed |
true New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department J FIC LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department J* LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department J*-PB LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department J*-PB LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Plainville Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
false Portland Public Library - Children's Department J PB LAR
СРОК ВОЗВРАТА 12-21-24 |
true Portland Public Library - Children's Department J PB LAR
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
false Portland Public Library - Children's Department J PB LAR
c.3 СРОК ВОЗВРАТА 04-24-21 Billed |
true Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department BC LAREAU #1
Test Revise El Estante |
true Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
false Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU
Missing |
true South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU NUTMEG 2021
Test Revise El Estante Shelved in Childrens' Library |
true South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU NUTMEG 2021 c.3
Test Revise El Estante Shelved in Childrens' Library |
true South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department J LAREAU NUTMEG 2021
c.2 Test Revise El Estante Shelved in Childrens' Library |
true Southington Library - Children J Step-Up Chapter LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Li Juv. 818 L321I
Test Revise El Estante Can be borrowed by USJ patrons only or via ILL |
true West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Fiction J LAREAU KARA
Test Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Early Chapter Books J LAREAU KARA - EARLY CHAPTER
c.2 Test Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department JTR I INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department NUTMEG JTR INFAMOUS RATSOS
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department J* LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department JBC-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department J-LAREAU
Test Revise El Estante |
Дополнительная Информация
- Издание
- First edition.
- Описание
- 55 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
- Серия
- LaReau, Kara. Infamous Ratsos.
- Infamous Ratsos
- Аудитория
- Elementary Grade
- 580 Lexile
- Summary
- Rat brothers Louie and Ralphie Ratso try to prove they can be as rough and tough as their father in the Big City, but every time they try to show how tough they are, they end up accidentally doing good deeds instead.
- Награды
- Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book, 2017
- Тема
- Brothers -- Juvenile fiction.
- Rats -- Juvenile fiction.
- Helping behavior -- Juvenile fiction.
- Humorous stories.
- Brothers -- Fiction.
- Rats -- Fiction.
- Helpfulness -- Fiction.
- Humorous stories.
- Humorous stories.
- Brothers.
- Helping behavior.
- Rats.
- Жанр/Форма
- Fiction.
- Humorous fiction.
- Juvenile works.
- Humorous fiction.
- Humorous fiction.
- Дополнительный автор
- Myers, Matthew, 1960-
- 9780763676360 (hbk)
- 0763676365 (hbk)
- 9780763698751 (paperback)
- 076369875X (paperback)
- 9781537973432 (Follettbound)
- 1537973436 (Follettbound)