Female well-being : toward a global theory of social change / Janet Mancini Billson and Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, editors.
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false University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Internet WORLD WIDE WEB E-BOOK EBSCO
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- 载体形态
- 1 online resource (xiv, 432 pages) : illustrations
- 书目
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- 内容
- The twentieth century as a transformative time for women / Janet Mancini Billson, Caroly Fluehr-Lobban -- The complexities of defining a female well-being / Janet Mancini Billson -- A critique of social change theories / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Janet Mancini Billson -- Women in Bangladesh: a journey in stages / Nasrin Sultana, Alema Karim -- Women in Canada: a century of struggle / Tess Hooks, Patrice Leclerc, Roderic Beaujot -- Women in Colombia: 'you forge your path as you walk' / Elena Garcés de Eder, Adriana Marulanda Herrán -- Women in Croatia: a continuity and change / Vesna Barilar, Željka Jelavić, Sandra Prlenda -- Women in Iceland: strong women-myths and contradictions / Thorgerđur Einarsdóttir -- Women in Japan: change and resistance to change / Masako Aiuchi [and others] -- Women in South Africa: crossing the great divides of race and gender / A.M. (Ria) van Niekerk, Jopie van Rooyen -- Women in Sudan: resistance and survival / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban -- Women in Thailand: changing the paradigm of female well-being / Farung Mee-Udon, Ranee Itarat -- Women in the United Kingdom: the impacts of immigration, 1900-2000 / Erica Halvorsen, Heather Eggins -- Women in the United States of America: the struggle for economic citizenship / Laura Khoury -- Common challenges: factors that enhance or detract from female well-being / Janet Mancini Billson, Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban -- Towards a gendered theory of social change / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Janet Mancini Billson -- Towards a global female well-being / Janet Mancini Billson, Caroyln Fluehr-Lobban.
- 摘要
- This global survey starts from the belief that the significant transformations in women?s lives need to be fully documented and interpreted. It illustrates the critical challenges faced by women in the 20th century using original data from countries in every world region. The case studies are written by teams of scholars, educators, and policy analysts in Canada, the United States, Colombia, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Croatia, Japan, Bangladesh, Thailand, South Africa, Sudan, and Kenya. The catalysts for change in female well-being are identified from trends from 1900 to 2000 in infant morta.
- 附注
- Print version record.
- 本地附注
- EBSCOhost SocINDEX with Full Text
- 主题
- Women -- Social conditions -- 20th century.
- Women -- Social conditions -- Cross-cultural studies.
- Women -- Health and hygiene -- Cross-cultural studies.
- Maternal and infant welfare -- Cross-cultural studies.
- Women in development -- Cross-cultural studies.
- SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Feminism & Feminist Theory.
- Maternal and infant welfare.
- Women -- Health and hygiene.
- Women in development.
- Women -- Social conditions.
- 年代条款
- 1900-1999
- 类型/表格
- Cross-cultural studies.
- Electronic books.
- 其它责任者
- Billson, Janet Mancini,
- Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn,
- 其他表格:
- Print version: Female well-being. London ; New York : Zed Books ; New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 (DLC) 2005050704 (OCoLC)60590212
- 国际标准书号
- 9781848131323 (electronic book)
- 1848131321 (electronic book)
- 184277008X (cased)
- 9781842770085 (cased)
- 1842770098 (softcover)
- 9781842770092 (softcover)
- 1281215945
- 9781281215949