Snapdragon / Kat Leyh.
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.3 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.4 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.5 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.6 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.7 Revise El Estante |
true Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department TWEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Main Library - Children's Nutmeg Collection JGN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Main Library - Young Adult Nutmeg Collection GRAPHIC YA LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department JGN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Young Adult GRAPHIC YA LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Young Adult GRAPHIC YA LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Burlington Public Library - Middle School Books Graphic MSF LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Burlington Public Library - Middle School Books Graphic MSF LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Adult Department GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Adult Department GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Storage STORAGE GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true East Hartford, Raymond Library - Young Adult YA LEYH NUTMEG 2022
Revise El Estante |
true East Hartford, Wickham Branch Library - Young Adult YA LEYH NUTMEG 2022
Revise El Estante |
true East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Young Adult YA GRAPHICNOVEL LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH (NUTMEG 2022)
Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH (NUTMEG 2022)
Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Young Adult YA GN LEYH (NUTMEG 2022)
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Storage TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Storage TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Storage TEEN GN NUTMEG22 LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Granby, F.H. Cossitt Branch - Teen TEEN GNL LEYH NUTMEG
Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Main Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Main Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Whiton Branch - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Mansfield, Main Library - Teen Graphic Novels TEEN GRAPHX LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Young Adult YAGRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Young Adult Graphic Novel YA-LEYH (Nutmeg)
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Young Adult Graphic Novel YA-LEYH (Nutmeg)
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department J GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Young Adult YA GN FIC SNAPDRAGON
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Main Library - Display shelf YA GN FIC SNAPDRAGON
Revise El Estante |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Teen GRAPHIC YA LEYH
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true Plainville Public Library - New Children's Books J NUTMEG GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Portland Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC FIC LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department NUTMEG JGN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Simsbury Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Simsbury Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.3 Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.4 Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.5 Revise El Estante Blind Date with a Book |
true Southington Library - Children J Graphic Novel LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch – Teen Graphic Novels YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Tween TWEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH KAT
Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Teen YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH -- NUTMEG
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Teen YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH -- NUTMEG
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Teen TEEN NUTMEG PB LEYH K
Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Teen TEEN NUTMEG PB LEYH K
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true Windsor Locks Public Library - Teen YA GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Adult Department GRAPHIC NOVEL-LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Wilson Branch - Graphic Novels YA GRAPHIC NOVEL-SNAPDRAGON NUTMEG
Revise El Estante |
false Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEYH
VENCE 08-20-24 Cargado |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.3 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.4 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.5 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.6 Revise El Estante |
true Avon Free Public Library - Teen MIDDLE-SCH NUTMEG 2022 LEYH
c.7 Revise El Estante |
true Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department TWEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Bloomfield at the Atrium GRAPHIC MIDDLE GRADE SNAPDRAGON
VENCE 09-13-24 Cargado |
false Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Middle Grade GRAPHIC MIDDLE GRADE SNAPDRAGON
El Depósito |
true Bristol, Main Library - Children's Nutmeg Collection JGN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Main Library - Young Adult Nutmeg Collection GRAPHIC YA LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department JGN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Young Adult GRAPHIC YA LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Bristol, Manross Branch - Young Adult GRAPHIC YA LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Burlington Public Library - Middle School Books Graphic MSF LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Burlington Public Library - Middle School Books Graphic MSF LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Adult Department GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Adult Department GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Canton Public Library - Storage STORAGE GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC NVL SNAPDRAGON
VENCE 10-08-24 |
false Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Teen GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
VENCE 10-15-24 |
false Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEYH
c.3 VENCE 10-28-24 |
false East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department GRAPHIC J LEYH
Perdidos Y Pagados |
true East Hartford, Raymond Library - Young Adult YA LEYH NUTMEG 2022
Revise El Estante |
true East Hartford, Wickham Branch Library - Young Adult YA LEYH NUTMEG 2022
Revise El Estante |
true East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Young Adult YA GRAPHICNOVEL LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH (NUTMEG 2022)
Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH (NUTMEG 2022)
Revise El Estante |
true Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Young Adult YA GN LEYH (NUTMEG 2022)
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Storage TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Barney Branch - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
VENCE 09-24-24 |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Department TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Farmington, Main Library - Teen Storage TEEN GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH
VENCE 10-24-24 |
true Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Storage TEEN GN NUTMEG22 LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Teen TEEN GN NUTMEG22 LEYH
VENCE 09-28-24 |
true Granby, F.H. Cossitt Branch - Teen TEEN GNL LEYH NUTMEG
Revise El Estante |
false Granby, Main Library - Teen TEEN GNL LEYH NUTMEG
VENCE 10-31-24 |
true Manchester, Main Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Main Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Manchester, Whiton Branch - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Mansfield, Main Library - Teen Graphic Novels TEEN GRAPHX LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Young Adult YAGRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
VENCE 10-26-24 |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Graphic Novels J GN-LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Young Adult Graphic Novel YA-LEYH (Nutmeg)
Revise El Estante |
true Middletown, Russell Library - Young Adult Graphic Novel YA-LEYH (Nutmeg)
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department J GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Young Adult YA GN FIC SNAPDRAGON
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department J GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true New Britain, Main Library - Display shelf YA GN FIC SNAPDRAGON
Revise El Estante |
false Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department GRAPHIC J LEYH
VENCE 10-17-24 |
true Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Teen GRAPHIC YA LEYH
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true Plainville Public Library - New Children's Books J NUTMEG GN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Portland Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC FIC LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department NUTMEG JGN LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department J GRAPHIC LEYH
VENCE 10-24-24 |
true Simsbury Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Simsbury Public Library - Teen TEEN GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.3 Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.4 Revise El Estante |
true South Windsor Public Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels JYA GRAPHIC LEYH NUTMEG 2022
c.5 Revise El Estante Blind Date with a Book |
true Southington Library - Children J Graphic Novel LEYH
Revise El Estante |
false Southington Library - Children J Graphic Novel LEYH
VENCE 09-25-24 |
true West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch – Teen Graphic Novels YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Tween TWEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH KAT
Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Teen YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH -- NUTMEG
c.2 Revise El Estante |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Teen YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH -- NUTMEG
c.2 Revise El Estante |
false West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Tween TWEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH KAT
VENCE 10-29-24 |
true West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Young Adult Graphic Novels YA GRAPHIC NOVEL LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Teen TEEN NUTMEG PB LEYH K
Revise El Estante |
true Wethersfield Public Library - Teen TEEN NUTMEG PB LEYH K
c.2 Revise El Estante |
false Wethersfield Public Library - Teen NEW TEEN NUTMEG PB LEYH K
c.4 VENCE 10-21-21 Cargado |
true Windsor Locks Public Library - Teen YA GRAPHIC LEYH
Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Main Library - Adult Department GRAPHIC NOVEL-LEY
Revise El Estante |
true Windsor, Wilson Branch - Graphic Novels YA GRAPHIC NOVEL-SNAPDRAGON NUTMEG
Revise El Estante |
Más detalles
- Edición
- First edition.
- Descripción
- 223 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 21 cm
- Sumario
- "Snap's town had a witch. At least, that's how the rumor goes. But in reality, Jacks is just a crocks-wearing, internet-savvy old lady who sells roadkill skeletons online--after doing a little ritual to put their spirits to rest. It's creepy, sure, but Snap thinks it's kind of cool, too. They make a deal: Jacks will teach Snap how to take care of the baby opossums that Snap rescued, and Snap will help Jacks with her work. But as Snap starts to get to know Jacks, she realizes that Jacks may in fact have real magic--and a connection with Snap's family's past."--Provided by publisher
- Materia
- Girls -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Witches -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Magic -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Single-parent families -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Mobile home living -- Social conditions -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Marginality, Social -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Interpersonal relations -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Girls -- Juvenile fiction.
- Witches -- Juvenile fiction.
- Magic -- Juvenile fiction.
- Interpersonal relations -- Juvenile fiction.
- Single-parent families -- Juvenile fiction.
- Mobile home living -- Social conditions -- Juvenile fiction.
- Marginality, Social -- Juvenile fiction.
- Girls -- Fiction.
- Witches -- Fiction.
- Magic -- Fiction.
- Single-parent families -- Fiction.
- Mobile home living -- Social conditions -- Fiction.
- Marginality, Social -- Fiction.
- Cartoons and comics.
- Graphic novels.
- JUVENILE FICTION -- Comics & Graphic Novels -- Fantasy.
- JUVENILE FICTION -- Girls & Women.
- JUVENILE FICTION -- Social Themes -- Friendship.
- Interpersonal relations.
- Girls.
- Magic.
- Marginality, Social.
- Single-parent families.
- Witches.
- Género/Forma
- Children's stories
- Graphic novels.
- Juvenile works.
- Fiction.
- Comics (Graphic works)
- Graphic novels.
- Magic realist fiction.
- Paranormal comics.
- Children's stories -- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Magic realist fiction.
- Paranormal comics.
- Graphic novels.
- 9781250171115 (paperback)
- 1250171113 (paperback)
- 9781250171122 (hardcover)
- 1250171121 (hardcover)
- 9781725466265 (FollettBound)
- 1725466260 (FollettBound)