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Notable American women, 1607-1950 : a biographical dictionary / Edward T. James, editor ; Janet Wilson James, associate editor ; Paul S. Boyer, assistant editor.

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University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Internet



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University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Internet



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Publication Info.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971.


1 online resource (3 volumes).
Notable American Women Ser.
Notable American Women Ser.
"Prepared under the auspices of Radcliffe College."
Biographies A-F -- Biographies G-O -- Biographies P-Z.
Abolitionists -- Actresses and theatre managers -- Anthropologists and folklorists -- Architects and interior decorators -- Art collectors and patrons -- Art critics and historians -- Art educators -- Astronomers -- Authors -- Biologists -- Botanists and horticulturists -- Chemists and physicists -- Children's authors -- Circus performers -- Civil war figures -- Classicists -- College administrators -- Composers -- Dancers -- Educational reformers -- Educators of the handicapped -- Entrepreneurs -- Explorers and travelers -- Feminists -- Film actresses and directors.
Geographer and geologist -- Hawaiian nobility -- Health reform advocates -- Heroines -- Historians -- Historical preservationists -- Home economics -- Illustrators -- Indian captives -- Indian reform advocates -- Indian women -- Inventors -- Kindergartners -- Labor leaders -- Labor reformers -- Lawyers -- Lecturers and orators -- Librarians -- Literary scholars -- Magazine editors -- Ministers and evangelists -- Missionaries -- Missionary society leaders -- Mormon women.
Music educators and patrons -- Naturalists -- Negro women -- Newspaperwomen -- Nurses -- Painters -- Peace advocates -- Performing musicians -- Philanthropists -- Philosophers -- Photographer -- Physicians -- Political figures -- Printmakers -- Prison reformers -- Psychologists -- Religious educators -- Religious founders and leaders -- School founders and administrators -- Sculptors -- Settlement houseleaders.
Social and civic reformers -- Social economists -- Social leaders -- Social workers -- Socialists and radicals -- Suffragists -- Temperance advocates -- Translators -- Welfare work leaders -- Wives of the presidents -- Women's club leaders.
Abbott, Emma -- Abbott, Grace -- Abel, Annie Heloise -- Adair, Bethenia Owens -- Adams, Abigail Smith -- Adams, Hannah -- Adams, Harriet Chalmers -- Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson -- Adams, Marian Hooper -- Addams, Jane -- Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot Cary -- Ahern, Mary Eileen -- Aitken, Jane -- Akers, Elizabeth Chase -- Albertina, Sister -- Alcott, Louisa May -- Alden, Isabella Macdonald -- Alden, Priscilla Mullins -- Alexander, Francesca -- Alexander, Mary Spratt Provoost -- Allen, Elizabeth Anne Chase Akers -- Allen, Viola Emily -- Alphonsa, Mother Mary -- Alston, Theodosia Burr -- Ames, Fanny Baker -- Ames, Mary E. Clemmer -- Anderson, Elizabeth Milbank -- Anderson, Mary -- Andrews, Eliza Frances -- Andrews, Fannie Fern Phillips -- Andrews, Jane -- Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman -- Angela, Mother -- Anneke, Mathilde Franziska Giesler -- Anthony, Susan Brownell -- Antin, Mary -- Arthur, Ellen Lewis Herndon -- Arthur, Julia -- Askew, Sarah Byrd -- Astor, Caroline Webster Schermerhorn -- Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn -- Atkins, Mary -- Atwater, Helen Woodard -- Aunt, Fanny -- Austin, Mary Hunter -- Avery, Martha Gallison Moore -- Avery, Rachel G. Foster -- Ayer, Harriet Hubbard -- Ayres, Anne.
Bache, Sarah Franklin -- Bachman, Maria Martin -- Bacon, Albion Fellows -- Bacon, Alice Mabel -- Bacon, Delia Salter -- Bacon, Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey -- Bagley, Sarah G. -- Bailey, Florence Augusta Merriam -- Bailey, Hannah Clark Johnston -- Baker, Sara Josephine -- Baldwin, Maria Louise -- Bancroft, Jane Marie -- Banister, Zilpah Polly Grant -- Barber, Alice -- Barnard, Hannah Jenkins -- Barnard, Kate -- Barnes, Mary Downing Sheldon -- Barnett, Ida Wells -- Barnum, Gertrude -- Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston -- Barrett, Janie Porter -- Barrett, Kate Harwood Waller -- Barrows, Bella S -- Barrows, Katharine Isabel Hayes Chapin -- Barry, Leonora Marie Kearney -- Barrymore, Georgiana Emma Drew -- Bartlett, Caroline Julia -- Barton, Clara -- Bascom, Florence -- Bateham, Josephine Abiah Penfield Cushman -- Bateman, Kate Josephine -- Bateman, Sidney Frances Cowell -- Bates, Blanche Lyon -- Bates, Katharine Lee -- Bayer, Adèle Parmentier -- Bayes, Nora -- Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney -- Beatrice, Sister -- Beaux, Cecilia -- Beecher, Catharine Esther -- Bellanca, Dorothy Jacobs -- Belmont, Alva Erskine Smith Vanderbilt -- Benedict, Crystal Eastman -- Benedict, Ruth Fulton -- Bennett, Alice -- Bennett, Belle Harris -- Bennett, Mary Katharine Jones -- Berkeley, Lady Frances -- Bernardina, Mother -- Berry, Harriet Morehead -- Berry, Martha Mcchesney -- Bethune, Joanna Graham -- Bethune, Louise Blanchard -- Bevier, Isabel -- Bianco, Margery Williams -- Bickerdyke, Mary Ann Ball -- Bingham, Anne Willing -- Birney, Alice Josephine Mclellan -- Bishop, Anna Riviére -- Bishop, Bernice Pauahi -- Bishop, Harriet E. -- Bissell, Emily Perkins -- Bittenbender, Ada Matilda Cole -- Black, Winifred Sweet -- Blackwell, Alice Stone -- Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown -- Blackwell, Elizabeth -- Blackwell, Emily -- Blackwell, Lucy Stone -- Blake, Lillie Devereux -- Blake, Mary Jane Safford -- Blaker, Eliza Ann Cooper -- Blanchan, Neltje -- Blankenburg, Lucretia Longshore -- Blatch, Harriot Eaton Stanton -- Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna Hahn -- Bleecker, Ann Eliza -- Bliss, Anna Elvira -- Bliss, Lizzie Plummer -- Bloomer, Amelia Jenks -- Bloomfield-Moore, Clara Sophia Jessup -- Bloomfield-Zeisler, Fannie -- Blow, Susan Elizabeth -- Bly, Nellie -- Boardman, Mabel Thorp -- Boardman, Sarah Hall -- Bodley, Rachel Littler -- Boelté, Maria -- Bogle, Sarah Comly Norris -- Boissevain, Inez Milholland -- Boit, Elizabeth Eaton -- Bolton, Sarah Tittle Barrett -- Bonaparte, Elisabeth Patterson -- Bond, Carrie Jacobs -- Bonfanti, Marie -- Bonfils, Winifred Sweet Black -- Bonner, Sherwood -- Bonney, Mary Lucinda -- Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons -- Bonstelle, Jessie -- Booth, Agnes -- Booth, Ellen Warren Scripps -- Booth, Evangeline Cory -- Booth, Mary Louise -- Booth, Maud Ballingtou -- Booth-Tucker, Emma -- Borden, Lizzie Andrew -- Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch -- Bowles, Eva Del Vakia -- Boyd, Belle -- Brackett, Anna Callender -- Bradford, Cornelia Foster -- Bradford, Cornelia Smith -- Bradley, Amy Morris -- Bradstreet, Anne -- Bradwell, Myra Colby -- Brady, Alice -- Branch, Anna Hempstead -- Brandegee, Mary Katharine Layne Curran -- Brant, Mary -- Braslau, Sophie -- Breckinridge, Madeline Mcdowell -- Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston -- Breese, Zona Gale -- Brent, Margaret -- Bridges, Fidelia -- Bridgman, Eliza Jane Gillet -- Bridgman, Laura Dewey -- Briggs, Emily Pomona Edson -- Bright, Eyes -- Britton, Elizabeth Gertrude Knight -- Broadfoot, Eleanor -- Brooks, Maria Gowen -- Broomall, Anna Elizabeth -- Brown, Abbie Farwell -- Brown, Alice -- Brown, Alice Van Vechten -- Brown, Antoinette -- Brown, Charlotte Amanda Blake -- Brown, Hallie Quinn -- Brown, Martha Mcclellan -- Brown, Mary Willcox -- Brown, Nancy -- Brown, Olympia -- Brownscombe, Jennie Augusta -- Brownson, Josephine Van Dyke -- Bruce, Catherine Wolfe -- Brunswick, Ruth Jane Mack -- Brunton, Ann -- Bryan, Anna E -- Bryan, Mary Edwards -- Buck, Lillie West Brown -- Buckel, Cloe Annette -- Burk, Martha Cannary -- Burlin, Natalie Curtis -- Burnett, Frances Eliza Hodgson -- Burr, Theodosia -- Butler, Mother Marie Joseph -- Butterworth, Mary Peck.
Cabrini, Saint Frances Xavier -- Cahill, Marie -- Calamity, Jane -- Caldwell, Mary Gwendolin -- Calkins, Mary Whiton -- Campbell, Helen Stuart -- Cannon, Annie Jump -- Cannon, Harriet Starr -- Caraway, Hattie Ophelia Wyatt -- Carnegie, Louise Whitfield -- Carreño, Teresa -- Carroll, Anna Ella -- Carse, Matilda Bradley -- Carter, Caroline Louise Dudley -- Carter, Mrs. Leslie -- Cary, Alice -- Cary, Annie Louise -- Cary, Elisabeth Luther -- Cary, Mary Ann Shadd -- Case, Adelaide Teague -- Cassatt, Mary -- Cather, Willa Sibert -- Catherwood, Mary Hartwell -- Catt, Carrie Clinton Lane Chapman -- Caulkins, Frances Manwaring -- Cayvan, Georgia Eva -- Cazneau, Jane Maria Eliza Mcmanus Storms -- Chace, Elizabeth Buffum -- Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret -- Chapin, Augusta Jane -- Chapin, Sarah Flournoy Moore -- Chapman, Caroline -- Chapman, Maria Weston -- Chase, Elizabeth -- Cheer, Margaret -- Cheney, Ednah Dow Littlehale -- Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller -- Child, Lydia Maria Francis -- Chopin, Kate O' Flaherty -- Chubbuck, Emily -- Churchill, Jennie Jerome -- Cisneros, Eleonora De -- Claflin, Tennessee -- Clapp, Cornelia Maria -- Clapp, Louise Amelia Knapp Smith -- Clare, Ada -- Clare Joseph, Mother -- Clark, Marguerite -- Clarke, Grace Giddings Julian -- Clarke, Mary Bayard Devereux -- Clarke, Rebecca Sophia -- Clarke, Sara Jane -- Classified List Of Selected Biographies -- Claxton, Kate -- Clay, Laura -- Clay, Mrs. Clement C. -- Clay-Clopton, Virginia Caroline Tunstall -- Claypoole, Elizabeth -- Clement, Clara Erskine -- Clemmer, Mary -- Cleveland, Emeline Horton -- Cleveland, Frances Folsom -- Clifford, Josephine -- Cline, Maggie -- Clopton, Virginia Caroline Tunstall Clay -- Coates, Florence Van Leer Earle Nicholson -- Cochrane, Elizabeth -- Coghlan, Rose -- Colby, Clara Dorothy Bewick -- Colden, Jane -- Cole, Anna Virginia Russell -- Coleman, Alice Blanchard Merriam -- Collins, Ellen -- Collins, Jennie -- Colman, Julia -- Colton, Elizabeth Avery -- Coman, Katharine -- Committee Of Consultants -- Comstock, Anna Botsford -- Comstock, Elizabeth Leslie Rous -- Conant, Hannah O'Brien Chaplin -- Cone, Claribel -- Connelly, Celia Logan Kellogg -- Connelly, Cornelia Augusta -- Converse, Harriet Maxwell -- Cooke, Anna Charlotte Rice -- Cooke, Rose Terry -- Coolbrith, Ina Donna -- Coolidge, Susan -- Cooper, Julia Dean -- Cooper, Priscilla -- Cooper, Sarah Brown Ingersoll -- Cooper, Susan Augusta Fenimores -- Copley, Mary Singleton -- Coppin, Fanny Marion Jackson -- Corbin, Margaret Cochran -- Corey, Martha -- Corson, Juliet -- Cotten, Sallie Sims Southall -- Cousin, Alice -- Couzins, Phoebe Wilson -- Cowell, Sidney Frances -- Cowl, Jane -- Cowles, Betsey Mix -- Crabtree, Lotta -- Craddock, Charles Egbert -- Craft, Ellen -- Crandall, Ella Phillips -- Crandall, Prudence -- Crane, Caroline Julia Bartlett -- Crapsey, Adelaide -- Cratty, Mabel -- Crews, Laura Hope -- Crocker, Hannah Mather -- Crocker, Lucretia -- Croly, Jane Cunningham -- Crosby, Fanny -- Crosman, Henrietta Foster -- Cross, Mary -- Cumming, Kate -- Cummins, Maria Susanna -- Cunningham, Ann Pamela -- Cunningham, Kate Richards O'Hare -- Curran, Mary Katharine -- Curtis, Natalie -- Curzon, Mary Victoria Leiter -- Cushman, Charlotte Saunders -- Cushman, Vera Charlotte Scott -- Cutler, Hannah Maria Conant Tracy -- Cutler, Mary Salome.
Dall, Caroline Wells Healey -- Daniel, Annie Sturges -- Dare, Virginia -- Darling, Flora Adams -- Darragh, Lydia Barrington -- Davenport, Fanny Lily Gypsy -- Davidson, Lucretia Maria -- Davis, Alice Brown -- Davis, Katharine Bement -- Davis, Mary Fenn -- Davis, Mollie Evelyn Moore -- Davis, Paulina Kellogg Wright -- Davis, Rebecca Blaine Harding -- Davis, Varina Anne Howell -- De Cisneros, Eleonora -- De Graffenried, Mary Clare -- De Lussan, Zélie -- De Witt, Lydia Maria Adams -- De Wolfe, Elsie -- Dean, Julia -- Decker, Sarah Sophia Chase Platt -- Deland, Margaret -- Delano, Jane Arminda -- Demorest, Ellen Louise Curtis -- Dempsey, Sister Mary Joseph -- Denison, Mary Ann Andrews -- Dennett, Mary Coffin Ware -- Denton, Mary Florence -- Dewey, Alice Chipman -- Diaz, Abby Morton -- Dickey, Sarah Ann -- Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth -- Dickinson, Emily -- Dickinson, Frances -- Diggs, Annie Leporte -- Dimock, Susan -- Dinwiddie, Emily Wayland -- Dix, Dorothea Lynde -- Dodge, Grace Hoadley -- Dodge, Josephine Marshall Jewell -- Dodge, Mary Abigail -- Dodge, Mary Elizabeth Mapes -- Dohan, Edith Hayward Hall -- Dolley, Sarah Read Adamson -- Donlevy, Harriet Farley -- Donnelly, Lucy Martin -- Doremus, Sarah Platt Haines -- Dorion, Marie -- Dorr, Rheta Childe -- Dorsey, Sarah Anne Ellis -- Dorsey, Susan Almira Miller -- Doubleday, Neltje Blanchan De Graff -- Douglas, Adèle Cutts -- Douglass, Mabel Smith -- Douglass, Mrs. Hallam -- Douglass, Sarah Mapps Douglass -- Douvillier, Suzanne Theodore Vaillande -- Downey, June Etta -- Doyle, Sarah Elizabeth -- Drake, Frances Ann Denny -- Draper, Mary Anna Palmer -- Dressler, Marie -- Drew, Georgiana Emma -- Drew, Louisa Lane -- Drew, Mrs. John -- Driscoll, Clara -- D'Rusmont, Frances Wright -- Duchesne, Rose Philippine -- Dudley, Helena Stuart -- Duff, Mary Ann Dyke -- Duncan, Isadora -- Duniway, Abigail Jane Scott -- Dupuy, Eliza Ann -- Dustin, Hannah -- Duston, Hannah -- Dyer, Mary -- Eagels, Jeanne -- Earhart, Amelia Mary -- Earle, Alice Morse -- Earle, Victoria -- Eastman, Annis Bertha Ford -- Eastman, Crystal -- Eastman, Mary Henderson -- Eaton, Margaret O'Neale -- Eberle, Mary Abastenia St. Leger -- Eckstorm, Fannie Pearson Hardy -- Eddy, Mary Baker -- Edmonds, Sarah Emma Evelyn -- Edson, Katherine Philips -- Edwards, Sarah Pierpont -- Eigenmann, Rosa Smith -- Einstein, Hannah Bachman -- Eliot, Charlotte Champe Stearns -- Ellet, Elizabeth Fries Lummis -- Elliott, Gertrude -- Elliott, Harriet Wiseman -- Elliott, Maud Howe -- Elliott, Maxine -- Elliott, Sarah Barnwell -- Ellsler, Effie -- Emerson, Mary Moody -- Emery, Sarah Elizabeth Van De Vort -- Emma -- Emmet, Ellen Gertrude -- Estaugh, Elizabeth Haddon -- Eustis, Dorothy Leib Harrison Wood -- Evans, Anne -- Evans, Augusta Jane -- Evans, Elizabeth Glendower -- Everleigh, Minna -- Eytinge, Rose.
Fairchild, Mary Salome Cutler -- Fairfax, Beatrice -- Falconer, Martha Platt -- Farley, Harriet -- Farmer, Fannie Merritt -- Farnham, Eliza Wood Burhans -- Farquharson, Martha -- Farrar, Cynthia -- Farrar, Eliza Ware Rotch -- Faugeres, Margaretta Van Wyck -- Fay, Amy -- Fearn, Anne Walter -- Fedde, Sister Elizabeth -- Felton, Rebecca Ann Latimer -- Fenn, Mary -- Ferguson, Abbie Park -- Ferguson, Elizabeth Graeme -- Fern, Fanny -- Ferrin, Mary Upton -- Field, Kate -- Field, Rachel Lyman -- Fields, Annie Adams -- Fillmore, Abigail Powers -- Fillmore, Myrtle Page -- Finley, Martha -- Fish, Marian Graves Anthon -- Fisher, Clara -- Fisher, Frances Christine -- Fisher, Mary -- Fiske, Fidelia -- Fiske, Minnie Maddern -- Fleming, Williamina Paton Stevens -- Fletcher, Alice Cunningham -- Flexner, Jennie Maas -- Florence, Malvina Pray -- Flower, Lucy Louisa Coues -- Folger, Emily Clara Jordan -- Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot -- Follett, Mary Parker -- Foltz, Clara Shortridge -- Foote, Mary Anna Hallock -- Force, Juliana Rieser -- Forester, Fanny -- Forestier, Auber Forrest, Catherine Norton Sinclair -- Forten, Charlotte L. -- Foster, Abigail Kelley -- Foster, Hannah Webster -- Foster, Judith Ellen Horton -- Fowle, Elida Barker Rumsey -- Fowler, Lydia Folger -- Fox, Ann Leah -- Fox, Della May -- Frame, Alice Seymour Browne -- Francis, Milly -- Frankland, Agnes Surriage -- Franklin, Ann Smith -- Franklin, Christine Ladd -- Franklin, Deborah Read -- Franks, Rebecca -- Frederick, Pauline -- Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins -- Frémont, Jessie Ann Benton -- French, Alice -- Frietschie, Barbara Hauer -- Fritchie, Barbara -- Fuld, Carrie Bamberger Frank -- Fuller, Crystal Eastman Benedict -- Fuller, Loie -- Fuller, Lucia Fairchild -- Fuller, Margaret -- Fuller, Metta Victoria -- Fuller, Minnie Ursula Oliver Scott Rutherford -- Fuller, Sarah -- Fulton, Mary Hannah -- Furbish, Kate.
Hackley, Emma Azalia Smith -- Haddon, Elizabeth -- Hahn, Dorothy Anna -- Hale, Lucretia Peabody -- Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell -- Hale, Susan -- Haley, Margaret Angela -- Hall, Anne -- Hall, Edith Hayward -- Hall, Emma Amelia -- Hallam, Mrs. Lewis -- Hallowell, Anna -- Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler -- Hamilton, Gail -- Hamm, Margherita Arlina -- Hampton, Isabel Adams -- Hanaford, Phebe Ann Coffin -- Hancock, Cornelia -- Hapgood, Isabel Florence -- Hardenbrook, Margaret -- Hardey, Mother Mary Aloysia -- Harding, Florence Kling -- Harding, Rebecca Blaine -- Hardy, Anna Eliza -- Harkness, Anna M. Richardson -- Harkness, Mary Emma Stillman -- Harland, Marion -- Harlow, Jean -- Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins -- Harper, Ida A. Husted -- Harriman, Mary Williamson Averell -- Harris, Corra May White -- Harrison, Anna Symmes -- Harrison, Caroline Lavinia Scott -- Harrison, Constance Cary -- Harrison, Elizabeth -- Harrison, Mary Scott Lord Dimmick -- Harrison, Mrs. Burton -- Hart, Nancy -- Hasbrouck, Lydia Sayer -- Hatcher, Orie Latham -- Haughery, Margaret Gaffney -- Hauk, Minnie -- Havemeyer, Louisine Waldron Elder -- Haven, Alice B. -- Haven, Emily Bradley Neal -- Haviland, Laura Smith -- Hawes, Harriet Ann Boyd -- Hawthorne, Rose -- Hawthorne, Sophia Amelia Peabody -- Hay, Elzey -- Hay, Mary Garrett -- Hayden, Mother Mary Bridget -- Hayes, Lucy Ware Webb -- Haygood, Laura Askew -- Hayne, Julia Dean -- Hazard, Caroline -- Hazeltine, Mary Emogene -- Hearst, Phoebe Apperson -- Hebard, Grace Raymond -- Heck, Barbara Ruckle -- Hegan, Alice Caldwell -- Heinemann, Barbara -- Held, Anna -- Hemenway, Abby Maria -- Hemenway, Mary Porter Tileston -- Henderson, Annie Heloise Abel -- Henrotin, Ellen Martin -- Henry, Alice -- Hentz, Caroline Lee Whiting -- Herne, Chrystal Katharine -- Heron, Matilda Agnes -- Herrick, Christine Terhune -- Herron, Carrie Rand -- Hewins, Caroline Maria -- Hicks, Mary Amelia Dana -- Higgins, Alice Louise -- Hill, Frances Maria Mulligan -- Hill, Grace Livingston -- Hill, Patty Smith -- Hobbs, Lucy B. -- Hobson, Elizabeth Christophers Kimball -- Hodder, Jessie Donaldson -- Hodgson, Frances Eliza -- Hoge, Jane Currie Blaikie -- Hokinson, Helen Elna -- Holbrook, Eliza Jane Poitevent -- Holley, Marietta -- Holley, Mary Phelps Austin -- Holley, Sallie -- Hollingworth, Leta Anna Stetter -- Holmes, Mary Jane Hawes -- Holt, Winifred -- Homer, Louise Dilworth Beatty -- Hooker, Isabella Beecher -- Hooper, Ellen Sturgis -- Hooper, Jessie Annette Jack -- Hoover, Lou Henry -- Hopekirk, Helen -- Hopkins, Emma Curtis -- Hopkins, Juliet Ann Opie -- Horton, Lillias Sterling -- Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue -- Howard, Blanche Willis -- Howard, Caroline Emily Fox -- Howard, Cordelia -- Howe, Julia Ward -- Howe, Maud -- Howland, Emily -- Hoxie, Vinnie Ream -- Huck, Winnifred Sprague Mason -- Hudson, Mary Clemmer Ames -- Hughes, Adella Prentiss -- Hume, Sophia Wigington -- Hunt, Harriot Kezia -- Hunt, Helen Fiske -- Hunt, Mary Hannah Hanchett -- Huntington, Emily -- Hunton, Addie D. Waites -- Hurd-Mead, Kate Campbell -- Hurdon, Elizabeth -- Hutchinson, Abigail Jemima -- Hutchinson, Anne -- Hyde, Ida Henrietta.
Iams, Lucy Virginia Dorsey -- Ickes, Anna Wilmarth Thompson -- Ingham, Mary Hall -- Introduction -- Iowa, Marie -- Irwin, Agnes -- Irwin, Elisabeth Antoinette -- Irwin, May -- Isom, Mary Frances -- Israels, Belle Lindner -- Jackson, Helen Maria Fiske Hunt -- Jackson, Rachel Donelson Robards -- Jackson-Coppin, Fanny -- Jacobi, Mary Corinna Putnam -- Jacobs, Frances Wisebart -- Jacobs, Pattie Ruffner -- Jacobs-Bond, Carrie -- James, Alice -- Janauschek, Francesca Romana Magdalena -- Jeanes, Anna Thomas -- Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton -- Jemison, Mary -- Jenkins, Helen Hartley -- Jewett, Sarah Orne -- Johnson, Eliza Mccardle -- Johnson, Ellen Cheney -- Johnson, Rebecca Franks -- Johnston, Annie Fellows -- Johnston, Harriet Lane -- Johnston, Henrietta -- Johnston, Mary -- Jones, Amanda Theodosia -- Jones, Jane Elizabeth Hitchcock -- Jones, Mary Harris -- Jones, Mary Katharine -- Jones, Matilda Sissieretta Joyner -- Jones, Rebecca -- Jones, Sissieretta -- Jones, Sybil -- Jordan, Elizabeth Garver -- Joseph, Sister -- Joyner, Matilda Sissieretta -- Juch, Emma Johanna Antonia -- Judson, Ann Hasseltine -- Judson, Emily Chubbuck -- Judson, Sarah Hall Boardman -- Julia, Sister -- Jumel, Eliza Bowen -- June, Jennie -- Junkin, Margaret -- Kaahumanu -- Kahn, Florence Prag -- Kalich, Bertha -- Kander, Lizzie Black -- Kapiolani -- Käsebier, Gertrude Stanton -- Kearney, Belle -- Keckley, Elizabeth -- Keene, Laura -- Kehew, Mary Morton Kimball -- Kellas, Eliza -- Kelley, Abby -- Kelley, Florence -- Kellogg, Clara Louise -- Kellogg, Louise Phelps -- Kelly, Fanny Wiggins -- Kelly, Florence Finch -- Kelsey, Corinne Rider -- Kemble, Frances Anne -- Kempfer, Hannah Jensen -- Kennedy, Kate -- Kilgore, Carrie Burnham -- King, Grace Elizabeth -- King, Julie Rivé. -- King, Lida Shaw -- King, Louisa Boyd Yeomans -- King, Mrs. Francis -- Kingsbury, Susan Myra -- Kinzie, Juliette Augusta Magill -- Kirkland, Caroline Matilda Stansbury -- Knight, Margaret E. -- Knight, Sarah Kemble -- Knowlton, Helen Mary -- Knox, Rose Markward -- Kober, Alice Elizabeth -- Koert-Kronold, Selma -- Kraus-Boelté, Maria -- Kroeger, Alice Bertha -- Kronold, Selma -- Kryszak, Mary Olszewski -- Kugler, Anna Sarah.
La Flesche, Susan -- La Flesche, Susette -- La Follette, Belle Case -- Ladd, Kate Macy -- Ladd-Franklin, Christine -- Laforge, Margaret Getchell -- Laidlaw, Harriet Burton -- Lake, Leonora Marie Barry -- Lakey, Alice -- Lamb, Martha Joanna Reade Nash -- Landes, Bertha Ethel Knight -- Landmann, Barbara -- Lane, Gertrude Battles -- Lane, Harriet -- Laney, Lucy Craft -- Langdon, Mary -- Langley, Katherine Gudger -- Larcom, Lucy -- Lathrop, Julia Clifford -- Lathrop, Mother Mary Alphonsa -- Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne -- Laurie, Annie -- Lawrence, Florence -- Laws, Annie -- Lawson, Roberta Campbell -- Lazarus, Emma -- Le Vert, Octavia Celeste Walton -- Leach, Abby -- Lease, Mary Elizabeth Clyens -- Leavitt, Henrietta Swan -- Leavitt, Mary Greenleaf Clement -- Lee, Ann -- Lee, Mary Ann -- Lee, Minnie Mary -- Leitzel, Lillian -- Leonard, Priscilla -- Leslie, Amy -- Leslie, Annie Louise Brown -- Leslie, Eliza -- Leslie, Miriam Florence Folline -- Levy, Florence Nightingale -- Lewis, Augusta -- Lewis, Edmonia -- Lewis, Ida -- Lewisohn, Irene -- Libbey, Laura Jean -- Liliuokalani -- Lincoln, Almira Hart -- Lincoln, Mary Ann Todd -- Lincoln, Mary Johnson Bailey -- Lippincott, Sara Jane Clarke -- Livermore, Harriet -- Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice -- Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett Mcnall -- Loeb, Sophie Irene Simon -- Loftus, Cissie -- Logan, Celia -- Logan, Deborah Norris -- Logan, Eliza -- Logan, Martha Daniell -- Logan, Mary Simmerson Cunningham -- Logan, Mrs. John A. -- Logan, Olive -- Lohman, Ann Trow -- Lombard, Carole -- Longshore, Hannah E. Myers -- Lord, Pauline -- Lothrop, Alice Louise Higgins -- Lothrop, Harriett Mulford Stone -- Lotta -- Low, Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon -- Lowell, Amy -- Lowell, Josephine Shaw -- Lowell, Maria White -- Lowery, Ellin Prince -- Lozier, Clemence Sophia Harned -- Lucas, Eliza -- Lukens, Rebecca Webb Pennock -- Lussan, Zélie De. -- Lynch, Anne Charlotte -- Lynch, Mary Atkins -- Lyon, Mary.
Macdonald, Cordelia Howard -- Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon -- Macleish, Martha Hillard -- Macurdy, Grace Harriet -- Macy, Anne Sullivan -- Madison, Dolley Payne Todd -- Maeder, Clara Fisher -- Magill, Helen -- Magri, Lavinia Warren -- Magruder, Julia -- Mahoney, Mary Eliza -- Maltby, Margaret Eliza -- Mann, Mary Tyler Peabody -- Mannes, Clara Damrosch -- Manning, Marie -- Mansfield, Arabella -- Marbury, Elisabeth -- Marks, Josephine Preston Peabody -- Marlatt, Abby Lillian -- Marlowe, Julia -- Marot, Helen -- Marshall, Clara -- Martin, George Madden -- Martin, Lillien Jane -- Martin, Maria -- Marwedel, Emma Jacobina Christiana -- Masters, Sybilla -- Mather, Winifred Holt -- Mathews, Ann Teresa -- Matthews, Victoria Earle -- Mattingly, Marie -- Mattingly, Sarah Irwin -- Maxwell, Anna Caroline -- May, Abigail Williams -- May, Sophie -- Mayo, Katherine -- Mayo, Sara Tew -- Maywood, Augusta -- Mcbeth, Susan Law -- Mccauley, Mary Ludwig Hays -- Mcclendon, Rose -- Mccord, Louisa Susannah Cheves -- Mccormick, Edith Rockefeller -- Mccormick, Nettie Fowler -- Mccormick, Ruth Hanna -- Mccrackin, Josephine Woempner Clifford -- Mccrea, Jane -- Mccreery, Maria Maud Leonard -- Mcculloch, Catharine Gouger Waugh -- Mccullough, Myrtle Reed -- Mcdowell, Anne Elizabeth -- Mcdowell, Katharine Sherwood Bonner -- Mcdowell, Mary Eliza -- Mcelhenney, Jane -- Mcgee, Anita Newcomb -- Mcgroarty, Sister Julia -- Mcintosh, Maria Jane -- Mckinley, Ida Saxton -- Mclean, Evalyn Walsh -- Mclean, Sarah Pratt -- Mcmain, Eleanor Laura -- Mcmanus, Jane -- Mcmein, Neysa -- Mcpherson, Aimee Semple -- Mead, Elizabeth Storrs Billings -- Mead, Kate Campbell Hurd -- Mead, Lucia True Ames -- Mears, Helen Farnsworth -- Mechlin, Leila -- Mecom, Jane Franklin -- Meloney, Marie Mattingly -- Mendl, Elsie De Wolfe -- Menken, Adah Isaacs -- Mergler, Marie Josepha -- Merriam, Florence Augusta -- Merrick, Caroline Elizabeth Thomas -- Merry, Ann Brunton -- Mexia, Ynes Enriquetta Julietta -- Meyer, Lucy Jane Rider -- Milholland, Inez -- Millay, Edna St. Vincent -- Miller, Alice Duer -- Miller, Elizabeth Smith -- Miller, Emily Clark Huntington -- Miller, Harriet Mann -- Miller, Marilyn -- Miller, Olive Thorne -- Mills, Florence -- Mills, Susan Lincoln Tolman -- Miner, Myrtilla -- Miner, Sarah Luella -- Minor, Virginia Louisa -- Mitchell, Maggie -- Mitchell, Margaret Munnerlyn -- Mitchell, Maria -- Modjeska, Helena -- Moïise, Penina -- Monk, Maria -- Monroe, Elizabeth Kortright -- Monroe, Harriet -- Montez, Lola -- Montgomery, Cora -- Montgomery, Helen Barrett -- Montour, Madame -- Moody, Lady Deborah -- Moon, Lottie Digges -- Moore, Alice Ruth -- Moore, Annie Aubertine Woodward -- Moore, Clara Sophia Jessup -- Moore, Grace -- Moore, Mollie Evelyn -- Moran, Mary Nimmo -- Moreton, Clara -- Morgan, Anna -- Morgan, Helen -- Morgan, Mary Kimball -- Morlacchi, Giuseppina -- Morris, Clara -- Morris, Esther Hobart Mcquigg Slack -- Mortimer, Mary -- Morton, Sarah Wentworth Apthorp -- Mosher, Eliza Maria -- Moskowitz, Belle Lindner Israels -- Moten, Lucy Ella -- Mott, Lucretia Coffin -- Moulton, Louise Chandler -- Mowatt, Anna Cora Ogden -- Mumford, Mary Eno Bassett -- Munford, Mary Cooke Branch -- Murdock, Louise Caldwell -- Murfree, Mary Noailles -- Murray, Judith Sargent -- Musgrove, Mary -- Mussey, Ellen Spencer.
Nathan, Maud -- Nation, Carry Amelia Moore -- Nazimova, Alla -- Neal, Alice B. -- Neilson, Nellie -- Nelson, Alice Dunbar -- Nestor, Agnes -- Nevada, Emma -- Newcomb, Josephine Louise Le Monnier -- Newell, Harriet Atwood -- Newman, Angelia Louise French Thurston Kilgore -- Newman, Frances -- Newsom, Ella King -- Ney, Elisabet -- Nichols, Clarina Irene Howard -- Nichols, Maria Longworth -- Nichols, Mary Sargeant Neal Gove -- Nichols, Minerva Parker -- Nicholson, Eliza Jane Poitevent Holbrook -- Nielsen, Alice -- Nordica, Lillian -- Normand, Mabel Ethelreid -- Norton, Alice Peloubet -- Nurse, Rebecca -- Nuttall, Zelia Maria Magdalena -- Nutting, Mary Adelaide -- O'Connell, Sister Anthony -- O'Day, Caroline Love Goodwin -- O'Hare, Kate Richards -- O'Neale, Peggy -- O'Neill, Rose Cecil -- O'Reilly, Leonora -- O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney -- Oakley, Annie -- Oatman, Olive Ann -- Occidente, Maria Del -- Oelrichs, Blanche -- Osgood, Frances Sargent Locke -- Osgood, Helen Louise Gilson -- Ossoli, Margaret Fuller -- Ottendorfer, Anna Sartorius Uhl -- Owens-Adair, Bethenia Angelina.
v. 3 P-Z -- Packard, Elizabeth Parsons Ware -- Packard, Sophia B. -- Palmer, Alice Elvira Freeman -- Palmer, Bertha Honoré -- Palmer, Frances Bond Flora -- Palmer, Lizzie Pitts Merrill -- Palmer, Mrs. Potter -- Palmer, Phoebe Worrall -- Palmer, Sophia French -- Pansy -- Parker, Cynthia Ann -- Parloa, Maria -- Parrish, Celestia Susannah -- Parsons, Elsie Clews -- Parsons, Emily Elizabeth -- Parton, Sara Payson Willis -- Patrick, Mary Mills -- Patterson, Eleanor Medill -- Patterson, Hannah Jane -- Patti, Adelina -- Patton, Abby Hutchinson -- Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer -- Peabody, Josephine Preston -- Peabody, Kate Nichols Trask -- Peabody, Lucy Whitehead Mcgill Waterbury -- Peale, Anna Claypoole -- Peck, Annie Smith -- Peixotto, Jessica Blanche -- Pelham, Mary Singleton Copley -- Pember, Phoebe Yates Levy -- Pendleton, Ellen Fitz -- Penn, Hannah Callowhill -- Pennell, Elizabeth Robins -- Pennington, Patience -- Percy, Florence -- Perkins, Elizabeth Peck -- Perkins, Lucy Fitch -- Perry, Agnes -- Perry, Antoinette -- Peter, Sarah Anne Worthington King -- Pettit, Katherine -- Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln -- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart -- Phelps, Elizabeth Wooster Stuart -- Philipse, Margaret Hardenbrook -- Phillipps, Adelaide -- Piatt, Sarah Morgan Bryan -- Pickens, Lucy Petway Holcombe -- Picotte, Susan La Flesche -- Pierce, Jane Means Appleton -- Pierce, Sarah -- Pike, Mary Hayden Green -- Pinckney, Elizabeth Lucas -- Pinkham, Lydia Estes -- Pinney, Eunice Griswold -- Piper, Leonore Evelina Simonds -- Pitcher, Molly -- Placide, Suzanne -- Platt, Sarah Sophia Chase -- Pleasant, Mary Ellen -- Plummer, Mary Wright -- Pocahontas -- Poe, Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins -- Poitevent, Eliza Jane -- Polk, Sarah Childress -- Polyblank, Ellen Albertina -- Porter, Charlotte Endymion -- Porter, Eleanor Hodgman -- Porter, Eliza Emily Chappell -- Porter, Gene Stratton -- Porter, Sarah -- Powell, Louise Mathilde -- Powell, Maud -- Prang, Mary Amelia Dana Hicks -- Pratt, Anna Beach -- Pray, Malvina -- Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson -- Preston, Ann -- Preston, Frances Folsom Cleveland -- Preston, Margaret Junkin -- Preston, May Wilson -- Pringle, Elizabeth Waties Allston -- Prior, Margaret Barrett Allen -- Provoost, Mary Spratt -- Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice -- Pugh, Sarah -- Putnam, Alice Harvey Whiting -- Putnam, Emily James Smith.
Quinton, Amelia Stone -- Rainey, Gertrude Pridgett -- Rambaut, Mary Lucinda Bonney -- Ramsay, Martha Laurens -- Rand, Caroline Amanda Sherfey -- Rand, Ellen Gertrude Emmet -- Randolph, Martha Jefferson -- Randolph, Mary Randolph -- Rathbone, Josephine Adams -- Rathbun, Mary Jane -- Ray, Charlotte E. -- Ream, Vinnie -- Reed, Elizabeth Armstrong -- Reed, Esther De Berdt -- Reed, Mary -- Reed, Myrtle -- Reese, Lizette Woodworth -- Regan, Agnes Gertrude -- Rehan, Ada -- Reid, Christian -- Reid, Elisabeth Mills -- Reid, Mrs. Whitelaw -- Reignolds, Catherine Mary -- Reinhardt, Aurelia Isabel Henry -- Remond, Sarah Parker -- Repplier, Agnes -- Restell, Madame -- Reynolds, Myra -- Rhodes, Mary -- Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan -- Richards, Cornelia Wells Walter -- Richards, Ellen Henrietta Swallow -- Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe -- Richards, Linda -- Richman, Julia -- Richmond, Mary Ellen -- Ricker, Marilla Marks Young -- Rickert, Edith -- Rider-Kelsey, Corinne -- Ridge, Lola -- Riepp, Mother Benedicta -- Rind, Clementina -- Ripley, Martha George Rogers -- Ripley, Sarah Alden Bradford -- Ripley, Sophia Willard Dana -- Ritchie, Anna Cora Mowatt -- Rittenhouse, Jessie Bell -- Rivé-King, Julie -- Rivers, Pearl -- Rives, Amélie Louise -- Robb, Isabel Adams Hampton -- Robbins, Jane Elizabeth -- Roberts, Elizabeth Madox -- Robertson, Agnes Kelly -- Robertson, Alice Mary -- Robertson, Ann Eliza Worcester -- Robins, Margaret Dreier -- Robinson, Harriet Jane Hanson -- Robinson, Jane Marie Bancroft -- Robson, May -- Rockefeller, Abby Greene Aldrich -- Rodgers, Elizabeth Flynn -- Rogers, Elizabeth Ann -- Rogers, Grace Rainey -- Rogers, Harriet Burbank -- Rohlfs, Anna Katharine Green -- Roosevelt, Alice Hathaway Lee -- Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carow -- Rorer, Sarah Tyson Heston -- Rose, Ernestine Louise Siismondi Potowski -- Rose, Mary Davies Swartz -- Ross, Betsy -- Rourke, Constance Mayfield -- Rowlandson, Mary White -- Rowson, Susanna Haswell -- Royall, Anne Newport -- Royce, Sarah Eleanor Bayliss -- Ruffin, Josephine St. Pierre -- Rumsey, Elida Barker -- Rumsey, Mary Harriman -- Russell, Annie -- Russell, Lillian -- Russell, Mother Mary Baptist -- Rutherford, Mildred Lewis -- Rutherford, Minnie Ursula Oliver -- Rutledge, Ann May.
Sabin, Ellen Clara -- Sacajawea -- Sadlier, Mary Anne Madden -- Safford, Mary Jane -- Sage, Margaret Olivia Slocum -- Sage, Mrs. Russell -- Salmon, Lucy Maynard -- Samaroff, Olga -- Sampson, Deborah -- Sampter, Jessie Ethel -- Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins -- Sanderson, Sibyl Swift -- Sanford, Maria Louise -- Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson -- Sartain, Emily -- Sawyer, Caroline Mehitable Fisher -- Schoff, Hannah Kent -- Schofield, Martha -- Schumann-Heink, Ernestine -- Schurz, Margarethe Meyer -- Schuyler, Catherine Van Rensselaer -- Schuyler, Louisa Lee -- Schwimmer, Rosika -- Scott, Charlotte Angas -- Scripps, Ellen Browning -- Scudder, Janet -- Seaman, Elizabeth Cochrane -- Sedgwick, Anne Douglas -- Sedgwick, Catharine Maria -- Sembrich, Marcella -- Semple, Ellen Churchill -- Sessions, Kate Olivia -- Seton, Elizabeth Ann Bayley -- Severance, Caroline Maria Seymour -- Sevier, Clara Driscoll -- Sewall, Lucy Ellen -- Sewall, May Eliza Wright -- Seymour, Mary Foot -- Shadd, Mary Ann -- Sharp, Katharine Lucinda -- Shattuck, Lydia White -- Shaw, Anna Howard -- Shaw, Mary G. -- Shaw, Pauline Agassiz -- Sheldon, Mary Downing -- Sherman, Mary Belle King -- Sherwood, Katharine Margaret Brownlee -- Sherwood, Mary -- Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth Wilson -- Sherwood, Mrs. John -- Shinn, Milicent Washburn -- Shirley, Dame -- Shuler, Nettie Rogers -- Sibley, Mary Easton -- Sidney, Margaret -- Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley -- Sill, Anna Peck -- Simms, Daisy Florence -- Simms, Ruth Hanna Mccormick -- Sinclair, Catherine -- Skinner, Constance Lindsay -- Slagle, Eleanor Clarke -- Slocum, Frances -- Slowe, Lucy Diggs -- Smedley, Agnes -- Smith, Abby Hadassah -- Smith, Amanda Berry -- Smith, Bessie -- Smith, Eliza Roxey Snow -- Smith, Elizabeth Oakes Prince -- Smith, Emily James -- Smith, Emma Hale -- Smith, Erminnie Adele Platt -- Smith, Hannah Whitall -- Smith, Jessie Willcox -- Smith, Julia Evelina -- Smith, Kate Douglas -- Smith, Margaret Bayard -- Smith, Nixola Greeley -- Smith, Nora Archibald -- Smith, Sophia -- Smith, Virginia Thrall -- Smith, Zilpha Drew -- Snow, Eliza Roxey -- Snyder, Alice D. -- Solomon, Hannah Greenebaum -- Soule, Caroline Augusta White -- Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte -- Spalding, Catherine -- Spalding, Eliza Hart -- Spencer, Anna Carpenter Garlin -- Spencer, Cornelia Ann Phillips -- Spencer, Lilly Martin -- Speyer, Ellin Leslie Prince Lowery -- Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott -- Sprague, Kate Chase -- Stanfield, Agnes -- Stanford, Jane Eliza Lathrop -- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady -- Starbuck, Mary Coffyn -- Starr, Belle -- Starr, Eliza Allen -- Starr, Ellen Gates -- Stearns, Lutie Eugenia -- Stebbins, Emma -- Stein, Gertrude -- Stephens, Alice Barber -- Stephens, Ann Sophia -- Stephens, Kate -- Stern, Frances -- Stetson, Augusta Emma Simmons -- Stetson, Charlotte Perkins -- Stettheimer, Florine -- Stevens, Alzina Parsons -- Stevens, Georgia Lydia -- Stevens, Lillian Marion Norton Ames -- Stevens, Nettie Maria -- Stevenson, Matilda Coxe Evans -- Stevenson, Sarah Ann Hackett -- Stewart, Eliza Daniel -- Stewart, Maria W. Miller -- Stimson, Julia Catherine -- Stoddard, Cora Frances -- Stoeckel, Ellen Battell -- Stokes, Olivia Egleston Phelps -- Stokes, Rose Harriet Pastor -- Stokowski, Olga Samaroff -- Stone, Lucinda Hinsdale -- Stone, Lucy -- Stoneman, Abigail -- Stoneman, Bertha -- Storer, Maria Longworth Nichols -- Storms, Jane Mcmanus -- Stowe, Harriet Beecher -- Strange, Michael -- Stratton, Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump -- Stratton-Porter, Gene -- Strong, Harriet Williams Russell -- Stuart, Helen Campbell -- Stuart, Jessie Bonstelle -- Stuart, Ruth Mcenery -- Sturgis, Caroline -- Sturgis, Ellen -- Sullivan, Anne -- Sullivan, Mary Josephine Quinn -- Sumner, Helen Laura -- Surratt, Mary Eugenia Jenkins -- Surriage, Agnes -- Swain, Clara A. -- Swallow, Ellen Henrietta -- Swartz, Maud O'Farrell -- Sweet, Winifred -- Swisshelm, Jane Grey Cannon -- Szold, Henrietta.
Taft, Helen Herron -- Taggard, Genevieve -- Talbot, Marion -- Talcott, Eliza -- Tanguay, Eva -- Tappan, Caroline Sturgis -- Tappan, Eva March -- Tarbell, Ida Minerva -- Taylor, Laurette -- Taylor, Lucy Beaman Hobbs -- Taylor, Margaret Mackall Smith -- Teasdale, Sara -- Tekakwitha, Catherine -- Templeton, Fay -- Tenney, Tabitha Gilman -- Terhune, Mary Virginia Hawes -- Terry, Rose -- Thanet, Octave -- Thaxter, Celia Laighton -- Thoburn, Isabella -- Thomas, Edith Matilda -- Thomas, Martha Carey -- Thomas, Mary Frame Myers -- Thompson, Eliza Jane Trimble -- Thompson, Elizabeth Rowell -- Thompson, Mary Harris -- Thoms, Adah B. Samuels -- Thorpe, Rose Alnora Hartwick -- Thumb, Mrs. Tom -- Thurber, Jeannette Meyers -- Thursby, Emma Cecilia -- Tibbles, Susette La Flesche -- Tiernan, Frances Christine Fisher -- Tietjens, Eunice -- Timothy, Ann -- Timothy, Elizabeth -- Tingley, Katherine Augusta Westcott -- Todd, Mabel Loomis -- Todd, Marion Marsh -- Tompkins, Sally Louisa -- Toupin, Marie -- Towne, Laura Matilda -- Tracy, Hannah Maria Conant -- Tracy, Martha -- Trader, Ella King Newsom -- Trask, Kate Nichols -- Trask, Katrina -- Treville, Abigail -- Troubetzkoy, Amélie Rives -- Troup, Augusta Lewis -- Truth, Sojourner -- Tubman, Harriet -- Turell, Jane Colman -- Turnbull, Julia Anna -- Turner, Eliza L. Sproat Randolph -- Turner, Florence E. -- Tuthill, Louisa Caroline Huggins -- Tutwiler, Julia Strudwick -- Tweed, Blanche Oelrichs Thomas Barrymore -- Tyler, Adeline Blanchard -- Tyler, Alice Sarah -- Tyler, Julia Gardiner -- Tyler, Letitia Christian -- Tyler, Priscilla Cooper -- Ueland, Clara Hampson -- Underwood, Lillias Stirling Horton -- Upton, Harriet Taylor -- Urso, Camilla -- Valentine, Lila Hardaway Meade -- Van Alstyne, Frances Jane Crosby -- Van Buren, Hannah Hoes -- Van Cott, Margaret Ann Newton -- Van Deman, Esther Boise -- Van Lew, Elizabeth L. -- Van Rensselaer, Maria Van Cortlandt -- Van Rensselaer, Mariana Alley Griswold -- Van Rensselaer, Martha -- Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler -- Van Vorst, Marie Louise -- Van Wagener, Isabella -- Van Zandt, Marie -- Vance, Clara -- Vanderbilt, Alva Erskine Smith -- Vautrin, Minnie -- Victor, Frances Auretta Fuller -- Victor, Metta Victoria Fuller -- Villard, Fanny Garrison -- Vincent, Mary Ann Farlow -- Vincent, Mrs. James R.
Waite, Catharine Van Valkenburg -- Walcott, Mary Morris Vaux -- Wald, Lillian D. -- Walker, Madame C.J. -- Walker, Edyth -- Walker, Maggie Lena -- Walker, Mary Edwards -- Walker, Sarah Breedlove -- Wallace, Zerelda Gray Sanders -- Walter, Cornelia Wells -- Walton, Octavia -- Walworth, Ellen Hardin -- Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps -- Ward, Hortense Sparks Malsch -- Ward, Mrs. H.O. -- Ward, Nancy -- Warner, Anna Bartlett -- Warner, Susan Bogert -- Warren, Ann Brunton -- Warren, Lavinia -- Warren, Mercy Otis -- Washburn, Margaret Floy -- Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis -- Waterbury, Lucy Mcgill -- Waters, Clara Erskine Clement -- Watkins, Frances Ellen -- Watteville, Henrietta Benigna Justine Zinzendorf Von -- Way, Amanda M. -- Weber, Lois -- Webster, Jean -- Weed, Ella -- Weeks, Helen C. -- Weir, Irene -- Weld, Angelina Grimké -- Wells, Carolyn -- Wells, Charlotte Fowler -- Wells, Emmeline Blanche Woodward -- Wells, Kate Gannett -- Wells-Barnett, Ida Bell -- Welsh, Lilian -- Werlein, Elizebeth Thomas -- West, Lillie -- Westley, Helen -- Wetherell, Elizabeth -- Wetherell, Emma Abbott -- Wharton, Edith Newbold Jones -- Wheatley, Phillis -- Wheeler, Candace Thurber -- Wheeler, Ella -- Wheeler, Ruth -- Wheelock, Lucy -- Whiffen, Blanche Galton -- Whitcher, Frances Miriam Berry -- White, Alma Bridwell -- White, Anna -- White, Eliza Orne -- White, Ellen Gould Harmon -- White, Helen Magill -- White, Pearl -- White, Sue Shelton -- Whiting, Lilian -- Whiting, Sarah Frances -- Whitman, Narcissa Prentiss -- Whitman, Sarah Helen Power -- Whitney, Adeline Dutton Train -- Whitney, Anne -- Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt -- Whitney, Mary Watson -- Whittelsey, Abigail Goodrich -- Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith -- Wignell, Ann Brunton -- Wilcox, Ella Wheeler -- Wilkins, Mary Eleanor -- Wilkinson, Jemima -- Willard, Emma Hart -- Willard, Frances Elizabeth Caroline -- Williams, Elizabeth Sprague -- Williams, Fannie Barrier -- Williams, Mary Wilhelmine -- Willing, Jennie Fowler -- Willis, Olympia Brown -- Willis, Sara Payson -- Wilmarth, Mary Jane Hawes -- Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans -- Wilson, Ellen Louise Axson -- Wilson, Helen Hopekirk -- Wilson, Ida Lewis -- Wilson, Sarah -- Winnemucca, Sarah -- Winser, Beatrice -- Winslow, Catherine Mary Reignolds -- Winter, Alice Vivian Ames -- Winthrop, Margaret -- Wischnewetzky, Florence Kelley -- Wise, Louise Waterman -- Wittenmyer, Annie Turner -- Wittpenn, Caroline Bayard Stevens -- Wixom, Emma -- Woerishoffer, Emma Carola -- Wolfe, Catharine Lorillard -- Wollstein, Martha -- Wood, Edith Elmer -- Wood, Julia Amanda Sargent -- Wood, Mary Elizabeth -- Wood, Matilda Charlotte Vining -- Wood, Mrs. John -- Wood, Sally Sayward Barrell Keating -- Woodbury, Helen Laura Sumner -- Woodhull, Victoria Claflin -- Woodrow, Mrs. Wilson -- Woodrow, Nancy Mann Waddel -- Woods, Katharine Pearson -- Woodward-Moore, Annie Aubertine -- Woolley, Helen Bradford Thompson -- Woolley, Mary Emma -- Woolman, Mary Raphael Schenck -- Woolsey, Abby Howland -- Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey -- Woolson, Abba Louisa Goold -- Woolson, Constance Fenimore -- Workman, Fanny Bullock -- Wormeley, Katharine Prescott -- Wright, Frances -- Wright, Laura Maria Sheldon -- Wright, Lucy -- Wright, Mabel Osgood -- Wright, Martha Coffin Pelham -- Wright, Patience Lovell -- Wright, Sophie Bell -- Wright, Susanna -- Wylie, Elinor Morton Hoyt -- Yale, Caroline Ardelia -- Yarros, Rachelle Slobodinsky -- Yaw, Ellen Beach -- Young, Ann Eliza Webb -- Young, Ella Flagg -- Younger, Maud -- Zachry, Caroline Beaumont -- Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth -- Zane, Elizabeth -- Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield -- Zinzendorf, Benigna.
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Women -- Biography.
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James, Edward T.
James, Janet Wilson, 1918-1987.
Boyer, Paul S.
Radcliffe College.
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Notable American women, 1607-1950 9780674627314 0674627318 (DLC) 76152274 (OCoLC)167545