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Seen and not heard; a garland of fancies for Victorian children. Selected and introduced by Nigel Temple.



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[New York] Dial Press, 1970.


272 pages illustrations (part color) 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 266-272).
Hearth and home. From Green's nursery album. My father ; My mother / Mrs. Abdy -- From Divine and moral songs for children. Obedience to parents / Isaac Watts -- From The children's friend. The clock of life / Anonymous -- From The juvenile budget. Uttering a falsehood / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From Anna Ross. Aunt Ross's social lesson / Grace Kennedy -- From The children's friend. Honouring parents / Anonymous -- From Green's nursery album. The clever boy / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From Home scenes and home influences. Trouble with servants / T. S. Arthur -- From The children's friend. No place for prayer / Anonymous -- From Religion and happiness. Family prayer / Jacob Abbott -- From Tales and stories. The wicked weed / Anonymous -- From Child's companion and juvenile instructor. Remember the Sabbath / Anonymous -- From The giants and how to fight them. The drunkard's home / Richard Newton -- From Fisher's juvenile scrapbook. The evening meal / Agnes Strickland ; Bernard Barton -- From Anna Ross. The evil influence of Uncle Murray / Grace Kennedy -- From The cottage at the Firs. The model lodging house ; Saturday night / Anonymous -- From The national nursery book. Little Fred / Anonymous -- From Sunday afternoons with Mamma / Anonymous -- From The cottage at the Firs. Cottager's Sunday / Anonymous -- The father's return / Anonymous -- From The history of the Fairchild family. A Sunday at the Fairchilds / Mrs. Sherwood -- From The children's friend. Beware of the fire / Anonymous -- From The children's pleasure book. Our queen / Anonymous -- From The children's friend. Papa's blessing / Anonymous.
Poverty and riches. From Choice poetry for little children. Never waste anything / Anonymous -- From The boy's spring book. Children of the poor / Anonymous -- From Fanny and Arthur. Charity elicited / Miss Winnard -- From The children's friend. Pity the poor city arabs / Anonymous -- From Child's own story book. Was I a good boy? / Mrs. Jerram -- From Aunt Kate's story. Little Ellen / Ann Thorp -- From Choice poems for little children. Some have no home / Anonymous -- From Hungering and thirsting. Blessed are they-- but why? / Anonymous -- From The children's friend. Let England help-- / Anonymous -- From Peter Parley's annual. The poor rustic / Peter Parley -- From Fanny and Arthur. A scene of distress / Miss Winnard -- From Original poems. Vulgar little lady / Anonymous -- From The children's friend. Workhouse children / Anonymous -- From Original poems. The village green / Anonymous -- From Poll Parrot picture book. Ann and her mamma / Anonymous -- From Cheerful cherry. The cottage girl / Peter Parley -- From Peter Parley's magazine. The rich girl and the poor boy / Peter Parley -- From The proverbs of Solomon. Sad hearts in grand houses / Anonymous.
High days and holidays. From Peter Parley's annual. New Year's Day / William Martin, editor -- From Children of the village. Fanny's birthday / Mary Russell Mitford -- From Peter Parley's annual. Prince of Wales' Day ; The whiskey is buoyant / William Martin, editor -- From Peter Parley's magazine. Easter Monday / Peter Parley -- From The nursery times. May Day morning / Anonymous -- From The parent's cabinet. Fred's letter to his father / Anonymous -- From Aunt Kate's story. Ellen's party / Ann Thorp -- From Green's nursery annual. The harvest home / Anonymous -- From Every boy's annual. Mop fair / Tom Burgess -- From Juvenile forget-me-not. Thanksgiving Day / S. G. Goodrich -- From The boy's own country book. Fifth of November / Thomas Miller -- From The Christmas tree. Our Christmas at home / Anonymous -- From The girl's own book. More blessed / Mrs. Child -- From Home for the holidays. Christmas / Anonymous.
School and learning. From Little Henry's holiday at the Great Exhibition. At the Great Exhibition / Anonymous -- From The juvenile budget. The dangers of cleverness / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From The mother's question book. Is Poetry useful / David Blair -- From Every boy's annual. The virtues of fagging / Edmund Routledge, editor -- From Charlie's discoveries. A lesson learnt / Anonymous -- From The birthday gift. Fear no NME / W. M. -- From Child's own story book. The cost of a ball / Mrs. Jerram -- From The good French governess. The rational toy shop / Maria Edgeworth -- From Peter Parley's annual. For capitalists and students / William Martin, editor -- From Nellie Grey. Sewing for the heathen / Anonymous -- From Fanny and Arthur. Not really stupid / Miss Winnard -- From Harry Beaufoy. Watching the blood flow / Maria Hack -- From Footprints of Popery. Don't trust Popery / Anonymous -- From The juvenile budget. Ida's education / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From Peter Parley's annual. Smoke not / William Martin, editor -- From My Sunday friend. Missionary corner ; This little pig, in Swahili / H. C. Shuttleworth, editor -- From Pictures for our pets. The village schoolmistress / Anonymous -- From The parent's cabinet. Useful and agreeable occupations / Anonymous -- From The juvenile budget. Little ears / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From The cottage at the Firs. The old dame school / Anonymous -- From Steenie Alloway's adventures. Friend or tyrant? / Anonymous -- From Peter Parley's annual. Black Monday / William Martin, editor -- From Jottings for juveniles. The school treat / Josephine -- From The children's Sunday album. Remember the Sabbath / Anonymous -- From The Hatchups. Airs and graces / Peter Parley -- From Little Seymour Street, or, Elsie Feltham. You don't know your letters? / A. R. N. -- From Peter Parley's annual. The flush of triumph / William Martin, editor -- From Pictures for our pets. God's ragged scholars / Anonymous -- From The Sexton's grandsons. The young carver / Frank Scarlett Potter -- From The birthday gift. Life's prizes / W. M.
Games and pastimes. From The girl's own book. Out-of-door exercises ; Calisthenics / Mrs. Child -- From Peter Parley's annual. Low trickery / William Martin, editor -- From The boy's own book. How to play football ; A sport paramount ; The philosopede ; The young velocipedist / Anonymous -- From Peter Parley's annual. Sport for June / William Martin, editor -- From The boy's own book of sports and games. Skating / Uncle Charles -- From Every boy's book. The Stanhope ; Alleys and taws ; The humming top / Edmund Routledge, editor -- From The juvenile budget. Playing for money / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From The boy's own country book. One in the hand / Thomas Miller -- From Parlour magic. Effects of hydrogen on the voice ; Conjuring ; Acoustic rainbow / Anonymous -- From The boy's own book. To exhibit the magic lantern ; Camera Lucida / Anonymous -- From Peter Parley's annual. Blowing bubbles / William Martin, editor -- From Every boy's book. The bullock's eye ; How to make an air-balloon ; Timbromania / Edmund Routledge, editor -- From The girl's own book. The pretty automata ; Intery mintery ; Lady Queen Anne / Mrs. Child -- From The boy's own treasury. Legerdemain / Anonymous -- From Acting charades. Charades / Brothers Mayhew -- From Indoor sports. Green fire / William Martin -- From The boy's own book. The little gas-factor / Anonymous -- From The girl's own book. Bead work / Mrs. Child -- From The juvenile budget. The young card-players / Mrs. S. C. Hall -- From A present for an apprentice. Games lead to vice / Thomas Tegg.
Sickness and death. From Little Dot and her friends. Old Solomon's visitor / Mrs. Walton -- From Morals from the graveyard. The little child's grave / Anonymous -- From Spring flowers and summer blossoms for the young and good. May flowers, or, Lucy Lynn / Anonymous -- From Little Susy's six teachers. Squeeze Miss Pegg down / Elizabeth Prentice -- From Morals from the graveyard. The suicide's grave / Anonymous -- From Peter Parley's annual. The idiot boy / William Martin, editor -- From The children's Sunday album. The hospital / Anonymous -- From Original poems. Gentle Christians pity me / Anonymous -- From The children's friend. Flowers for Little Jan / Anonymous -- From Mother's last words / Mrs. Sewell -- From Hungering and thirsting. Don't you cry for me, Kitty / Anonymous -- From The Fairchild family. Fast to corruption / Mrs. Sherwood -- From The child's own story book. The dying child / Mrs. Jerram -- From Jottings for juveniles. The dead baby / Josephine -- From The peep of day. Poor little body / Anonymous -- From The little lady. Anno Mundi / Sophia Kelly -- From The children's Sunday album. Willie among the angels / Anonymous -- From Little Susy's six teachers. Home to heaven / Elizabeth Prentiss -- From The Sunday school magazine. Dear mother, let me go / Anonymous -- From The children's prize. Father's accident / J. Erskine Clarke, editor -- From The history of the Fairchild family. The agonies of death / Mrs. Sherwood -- From Recollections of childhood. Recollections of corpses / Primogenita.
The widening world. From The boy's friend. War / Carlton Bruce -- From Peter Parley's Own favourite story book. To be a soldier / William Martin, editor -- From The proverbs of Solomon. George is lazy / Anonymous -- From The children's friend. What a child may do / Anonymous -- From A mother's lessons on kindness to animals. Bianconi's opinion ; A cruel reaper punished / Anonymous -- From Our little Harry. The cold-water boy / T. S. Arthur -- From A present for an apprentice. Virtuous female intercourse ; Dangers of the playhouse / Thomas Tegg -- From The child's companion and juvenile instructor. The little tract girl / Anonymous -- From Pictures from the street. Little Shoeblack / Anonymous -- From The story garden. Nurse Griffin's levee / S. C. Hall... [and others] -- From Tales in prose. In service / Mary Howitt -- From Peter Parley's annual. Nothing like work / William Martin, editor -- From Fanny and Arthur. Hopping / Miss Winnard -- From Little Henry's holiday at the Great Exhibition. The entente cordiale / Anonymous -- From The church missionary juvenile instructor. Hook swinging ; Dreadful cannibalism ; Niger mission / Anonymous -- From True stories for little people. It is called New Zealand / Anonymous -- From Juvenile forget-me-not. A chapter for young America ; Henry and Seth / S. G. Goodrich -- From The nursery guide. The negro slave / Mrs. Thomas Geldart -- From True stories for little people. A very kind officer / Anonymous -- From The children's friend. The slave's appeal / J. E. S. -- From The children's friend. Chinese tracts in the West Indies / Anonymous.
English literature -- 19th century.
Children's literature, English.
Added Author
Temple, Nigel, 1926-2003