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History of the Indian tribes of the United States : their present condition and prospects, and a sketch of their ancient status / by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft.

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West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Local History


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Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864.
Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1857.

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xxviii pages, 27 unnumbered pages-756 pages, 58 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 33 cm.
His Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States ; pt. 6
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. Pt.6.
Half-title: General history of the North American Indians.
"Published by order of Congress under the direction of the Department of the Interior--Indian Bureau."
"Published under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs"--Spine.
"In one volume. Part VI. of the series."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
A medicine man curing a patient -- Inscription -- To James Buchanan, Esq., President of the United States -- Report -- Preface -- DIVISION FIRST. A condensed view of the post-Columbian, or modern Indian history -- SECTION FIRST. Introductory Considerations -- Chap. 1. The Indian viewed as a man out of society -- Chap. 2. Geographical area occupied-Ethnographical position of the principal stocks -- SECTION SECOND. First European acquaintance with the Indian tribes -- Chap. 1. Original continental point of observation -- Chap. 2. The landing of Ponce de Leon in Florida, and of Lucas Vasquez in the ancient Chicora -- Chap. 3. France enters the field of discovery. Verrazani, an Italian in her service, discovers the coast from the latitude of tropical plants to New York and New England. He lands in the great bay of Manhattan -- Chap. 4. Spain explores Florida. Narvaez invades the Indian territory, and brings the Appalachian, or Floridian, group of Tribes to our notice -- Chap. 5. France resumes her discoveries. The Algonquins are found to inhabit the Atlantic coast, north, up to the river St. Lawrence. They are succeeded in position, in ascending that valley, by the Iroquois -- Chap. 6. Further explorations in the St. Lawrence valley, by the French -- Chap. 7. Expedition of De Soto to Florida. Appalachian group of Tribes -- Chap. 8. De Soto crosses the Mississippi river, and traverses the present area of Missouri and Arkansas. Family of Dakotahs, or prairie Tribes -- Chap. 9. Coronado's expedition into the territory which has acquired the name of New Mexico. The Zuni, Moqui, Navajo, and cognate Tribes -- SECTION THIRD. Contention of France and Spain for the occupation of Florida -- Chap. 1. Voyages of Ribault and Laudonniere -- Chap. 2. Second visit of Ribault to Florida. Treacherous massacre of himself and his men -- Chap. 3. The Chevalier Gourgues retaliates upon the Spanish settlement in Florida -- SECTION FOURTH. The English element of civilization in America -- Chap. 1. Discovery of Virginia, and its aborigines -- Chap. 2. The Powhatanic tribes of Virginia, as they are reported on the second voyage -- Chap. 3. Perturbed state of the Virginia Indians during the voyages subsequently made to that coast, in the sixteenth century -- Chap. 4. Hostilities with the Dessamopeak, Sicopan, and Aquoscojos tribes. Successive abandonment of the Roanoke and Hatteras colonies --
SECTION FIFTH. The Littoral tribes of the North Atlantic, within whose territories the colonies were planted -- Chap. 1. Virginia is successfully colonized. Jamestown is founded in the central part of the Powhatanic confederacy -- Chap. 2 Discovery of the Hudson river. Manhattans, Mohicans, and Mohawks -- Chap. 3. Settlement of Massachusetts, and the New England colonies -- Chap. 4. The northern Indians are offended at the introduction of civilization and the gospel. because of their tendency to subvert Indian society -- Chap. 5. Manners and customs of the Mohicanic group of the New England Algonquins -- SECTION SIXTH. Synopsis of the history of the New England tribes -- Chap. 1. History of the Pokanoket Tribe and Bashabary -- Chap. 2. History of the Pequot Tribe, and the Pequot war -- Chap. 3. Death of Sassacus, and extinction of the Pequots -- Chap. 4. The Narragansetts. War between Uncas and Miontonimo -- SECTION SEVENTH. Indian tribes of Maryland -- Chap. 1. Aboriginal population on the shores of the Chesapeake -- Chap. 2. Susquehannocks, Nanticokes, and Conoys -- Chap. 3. Sequel of the History of the Susquehannocks -- Chap. 4. The Andastes -- Chap. 5. Summary of the cotemporary [sic] evidences of the Susquehannock history -- SECTION EIGHTH. Occupancy of New York by the English, and sequel to the Indian wars of New England -- Chap. 1. New Netherlands surrendered to the English, and named New York -- Chap 2. The war with Philip, of Pokanoket -- Chap. 3. Philip develops his plot. His attacks on the weak frontier line of the New England colonies -- Chap. 4. Philip carries the war into the Plymouth colony -- It assumes a wider and more sanguinary aspect. The Narragansetts are involved in the conspiracy -- Chap. 5. The colonists march to the relief of the frontiers. They wage war against the Narragansetts, who are defeated in a strongly fortified position -- Chap. 6. Capture and death of Canonchet. Overthrow of the Narragansetts -- Chap. 7. Philip renews the war with success, but is finally forced to take shelter with his chief captain, Annawon, in an oasis of a morass, in Pocasset. Final overthrow of the Bashabary of Pokanoket -- Chap. 8. The Merrimac valley and Abinaki Tribes --
SECTION NINTH. Lenno Lenapi of Pennsylvania, and Chicora Tribes of the Carolinas. -- Chap. 1. The colony of Pennsylvania is located in the territory of the Lenno Lenapi. Their history -- Chap. 2. The Tribal relations of the Carolina Indians to the leading ethnographic families of the country -- SECTION TENTH. Progressive intercourse with the tribes during the epoch, from 1700 to 1750 -- Chap. 1. Impressions of the race, after the lapse of a century from the first landing in Virginia -- Chap. 2. The Aquinoshioni, or Iroquois -- Chap. 3. The Indian Tribes, north and south, slowly arrive at an apparently general conclusion, that they possess the power to crush the Colonies -- Chap. 4. In the contest for the Indian power, between France and England, the possession of the Mississippi valley and of the great lake basins, became, in the end, the prize contended for -- SECTION ELEVENTH. Momentous period of Indian history, preceding the conquest of Canada -- Chap. 1. The French policy regarding the Tribal, or international movements of the Indians -- Chap. 2. Inter-epochal History of the Lake Tribes, and of the expulsion of Indians who preceded the Algonquins -- Chap. 3. The Algonquins side with the French in the great struggle for supremacy -- Chap. 4. The Iroquois adhere to the English -- Chap. 5. The Western Indians unite to sustain France in the possession of the Ohio valley -- Chap. 6. Nationality of the Indians in Braddock's defeat -- Chap. 7. The Iroquois policy favors the English -- Chap. 8. Taking of Fort William Henry, on Lake George, and the plunder and murder of prisoners by the French Indians, contrary to the terms of capitulation -- Chap. 9. State of Indian affairs in the interior, during the period between the defeat of Deiskau, and the capture of Fort du Quesne -- Chap. 10. The Iroquois abandon their neutral position in the war between the English and French -- Chap. 11. Close of the war by the conquest of Canada --
SECTION TWELTH. Period intervening from the conquest of Canada to the commencement of the American Revolution -- Chap. 1. Changes in the relations of the Indian Tribes -- Chap. 2. War with the Cherokees -- Chap. 3. The confederate Algonquins and Hurons of the upper Lakes, under the direction of Pontiac, dispute the occupation of that region by the English -- Chap. 4. Pontiac holds Detroit in a state of siege during the summer of 1763 -- Chap. 5. The Western Indians continue their opposition to the English supremacy. Colonel Bouquet marches to the relief of Fort Pitt. The Battle of Brushy Run -- Chap. 6. General pacification between the English and the Indian Tribes, east and west. Treaty of peace with the Senecas, Wyandots, Ottowas, and Chippewas, Mississagies, Pottawattamies, and Miamies -- Chap. 7. Re-occupation of the lake posts. The Indian trade extended westward and northward under British auspices -- Chap. 8. Peace concluded with the Delawares, Shawnees, Miamies, Weas, Piankashaws, and Mingoes, or trans-Ohio members of the Six Nations in the west -- Chap. 9. Lord Dunmore's expedition to the Scioto against the Shawnee, Delawares, Wyandots, and Mingoes. Incident of Logan -- Chap. 10. The Indian Trade under British rule -- Chap. 11. Census of the numbers, names, and position of the Indian Tribes, taken after the conquest of Canada -- SECTION THIRTEEN. History of the Indian Tribes during the American Revolution -- Chap. 1. The Indian force to be encountered -- Chap. 2. Unfriendly state of feeling, and erroneous opinions of the tribes, during the contest -- Chap. 3. Contests in which the Indian force was engaged. Invasion of St. Leger, with the combined Iroquois -- Chap. 4. Ambuscade and battle of Oriskany -- Chap. 5. Termination of the siege of Fort Stanwix -- Chap. 6. Policy of employing the Indians in war -- Chap. 7. Progress of the Revolution, as affected by the aboriginal tribes. Massacres of Wyoming, Cherry valley, and Ulster -- Chap. 8. Congress authorizes movements to check the hostility of the western Indians -- Chap. 9. Virginia sends an expedition against the western Indians, and conquers southern Illinois -- Chap. 10. Subtilty [sic] of the Indians investing Fort Laurens -- Chap. 11. Battle of Minnisink -- Chap. 12. Formal expedition against the Iroquois Cantons -- Chap. 13. The Indians continue their inroads on the western and northern frontiers -- Chap. 14. Fate of the Delawares who adopted the Moravian faith, and emigrated west -- Chap. 15. The Creeks make a midnight attack on the American camp, near Savannah, under command of General Wayne --
SECTION FOURTEENTH. Events from the definitive treaty of peace, in 1783, to the surrender of the lake posts by the British, in 1796, and the close of Washington's administration -- Chap. 1. The Indian Policy -- Chap. 2. Change of position of the Iroquois. Cessions of territory by them to the state of New York. Treaty of Canadaigua -- Chap. 3. Treaties with the Wyandots, Delawares, Chippewas, and Ottowas -- Chap. 4. Hostilities in the West. War with the Miamies and their confederates -- Chap. 5. The Muscogees, or Creeks, negotiate a treaty of peace -- Chap. 6. Expeditions of General Charles Scott, of Kentucky, and of General St. Clair, against the western Indians -- Chap. 7. Campaigns of General Wayne against the western Indians -- Chap. 8. The post-revolutionary war with the western Indians is terminated by the victory of Maumee -- SECTION FIFTEENTH. Perturbed state of the Tribes, and their political relations, during the growth and expansion of the union westward, from 1800 to 1825 -- Chap. 1. Government and law essential to Indian civilization -- Chap. 2. Geographical explorations of Upper Louisiana, and the country destined to be the future refuge of the Indian race -- Chap. 3. Ire of the Indian priesthood as a disturbing political element. Battle of Tippecanoe -- Chap. 4. The Indians recklessly engage in the war of 1812 -- Chap. 5. Events of the Indian war of 1813 -- Chap. 6. Hostilities with the Creeks. Massacre at Fort Mimms. Battles of Tullushatches, Talladega, Hillabee, and Attassee -- Chap. 7. Battles of Emucfau, Enotochopco, and Tohopeka, or the Horse-shoe. The Creeks subdued -- Chap. 8. Foreshadowings of peace --
SECTION SIXTEENTH. Effects of the expansion of the population westward, and of the creation of new states out of the exhausted Indian hunting grounds of the Mississippi Valley -- Chap. 1. A new phasis in Indian history -- Chap. 2. Condition of the tribes at the conclusion of the war -- Chap. 3. Indian tribes of Michigan. Exploration of its boundaries, reaching to the sources of the Mississippi -- Chap. 4. War between the Chippewas and Sioux. A peculiar mode of negotiation between them by means of pictography, or devices inscribed on bark -- Chap. 5. The Chippewas, Pottawattamies, and Ottawas cede their territory in Illinois and southern Michigan -- SECTION SEVENTEENTH. The political culmination of the Indian history -- Chap. 1. The Indians reach their lowest point of depression at the close of the war, in 1816 -- Chap. 2. Official intercourse is extended, by establishing an agency among the Chippewas, in the basin of Lake Superior -- Chap. 3. Political and social movements among the Cherokees, and other southern tribes -- Chap. 4. Organization of an Indian Bureau -- Chap. 5. Plan of colonization west of the Mississippi -- Chap. 6. Removal policy. Creek difficulties. Death of the chief, General Mc. Intosh. [sic] Treaty for their final settlement West -- Chap. 7. Assumption of the right of sovereignty by the Creeks, in opposition to Georgia -- Chap. 8. Gradual transference of the Indian population to the west -- Chap. 9. Geographical phenomena. Soil, climate and territorial advantages of the proposed Indian colonies --
SECTION EIGHTEENTH. The first decade of the colonization plan.-1831 to 1841 -- Chap. 1. Congress authorizes the colonizing of the Indians in the West -- Chap. 2. Policy of the removal of the tribes to the West -- Chap. 3. Effects of the growth and expansion of the States, on the Indian tribes who had long lived in juxtaposition with them. The policy to be pursued -- Chap. 4. The Black Hawk war -- Chap. 5. Leading events of the campaign against Black Hawk -- Chap. 6. Subdivision of the Indian territory into tribal proprietorships. Congressional sanction of the plan -- Chap. 7. Prominent treaty stipulations with the emigrant and indigenous tribes, to promote their concentration west of the Mississippi -- SECTION NINETEENTH. Hostile attitude of the southern tribes, previous to their final removal -- Chap. 1. Movements of the Algonquin tribes in the region of the upper lakes -- Chap. 2. Indian hostilities in the South -- Chap. 3. Outbreak of the Florida war -- Chap. 4. Origin of the Seminole hostilities -- Chap. 5. Controversy with the Cherokees -- Chap. 6. Organization and political condition of the colonized tribes -- SECTION TWENTIETH. Consummation of the government policy of removal -- Chap. 1. The Chippewas of the upper Mississippi cede their territory to the mouth of the Crow Wing river -- Chap. 2. Prevalence of the small-pox amongst the western Indians -- Chap. 3. Emigration of the treaty party of the Cherokees, the Creeks of Georgia, and the Chickasaws -- Chap. 4. Crisis of the Cherokee difficulties. The army is marched into that quarter -- Chap. 5. Pawnee cruelty. The sacrifice of Haxta -- Chap. 6. Transactions during the year, with the minor tribes -- Chap. 7. Discords between the Eastern and Western Cherokees. Boudinot and the Ridges are assassinated -- Chap. 8. Close of the first decade of the colonization plan -- SECTION TWENTY-FIRST. Principles contended for by the Indians during three centuries -- Chap. 1. Antagonism of barbarism and civilization -- Chap. 2. Philosophical examination of the argument on the differing manners and customs of the races of men -- Chap. 3. Subsidence of the Indian feuds -- SECTION TWENTY-SECOND. Present conditions and prospects of the tribes -- Chap. 1. Generally improved state of society and manners among the colonized tribes -- Chap. 2. Geographical area, relative location, and advantages of the tribes -- Chap. 3. Moral, political, and industrial condition of the Creeks, Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Cherokees -- Chap. 4. State of the minor transferred group of tribes in Kanzas [sic] -- Chap. 5. The Hunter tribes --
DIVISION SECOND. Economy and statistics, capacity of industrial and social development, and national position; illustrated by some notices of the mental character of the Hunter race, and their ancient status and archeology -- SECTION TWENTY-THIRD. Causes of decline of the Indian tribes -- Chap. 1. Conditions of life which oppose the increase of the aboriginal population -- Chap. 2. Effects of civilized habits on reproduction -- Chap. 3. Who is the Indian? His capacities for nationality to be deduced from his character -- Chap. 4. Some traditionary gleams of ancient history -- SECTION TWENTY-FOURTH. Indicia from their ancient states and archeology -- Chap. 1. Outlines of Mexican antiquities -- Chap. 2. Notices of the aboriginal remains of art and labor in the United States -- Chap. 3. Antiquities west of the Alleghanies -- Chap. 4. A glance at the pictography of the North American Indians -- Chap. 5. Intrusive elements of art from Europe and Asia -- Chap. 6. Antiquities on the Pacific coasts of Oregon -- SECTION TWENTY-FIFTH. Indicia from manners and customs -- Chap. 1. Value of this species of testimony -- Chap. 2. Fluctuations of customs among the Mississippi valley and Pacific coast tribes -- Chap. 3. Indian theory of the deification of the Sun -- Chap. 4. Existing characteristic customs -- SECTION TWENTY-SIXTH. Indicia from mythology and religion -- Chap. 1. Toltec and Aztec mythology -- Chap. 2. Religions and mythological opinions of the Mississippi valley tribes -- Chap. 3. Algonquin mythology and superstitions -- Chap. 4. Indian theory of the action of the mind during sleep -- Chap. 5: Iroquois cosmogony -- SECTION TWENTY-SEVENTH. Indicia from language -- Chap. 1. Principles of the structure of the Indian languages --
SECTION TWENTY-EIGHTH. Statistics, tribal and general -- Chap. 1. Censes [sic] of the Indian tribes of the United States -- Chap. 2. Fiscal statistics -- Chap. 3. Statistics of the fur trade -- Chap. 4. Statistics of education and Christianity -- Chap. 5. Historical statistics -- SECTION TWENTY-NINTH. Desiderata respecting the mental character of the Indians -- Chap. 1. Linguistic principles and phenomena -- Chap. 2. Oral fictions and legends -- Chap. 3. Outlines of a system of mnemonic pictography -- SECTION THIRTIETH. Historical notes on the origin of the American Tribes; and their ethnography -- SECTION THIRTY-FIRST. Indian policy and the Indian future --
LIST OF PLATES -- 1. Portrait -- 2. Scalp-cry -- 3. Victory dance -- 4. Rock inscription in New Mexico -- 5. Antique Gila pottery -- 6. Pictograph on the scapula of a buffalo -- 7. Spinning and weaving in New Mexico -- 8. Pipe-sculpture of the Cheraws -- 9. Stone idols in Virginia, 1600 -- 10. First interview with Indians of New York -- 11. Pictographic inscription in Massachusetts -- 12. Stone giants. Iroquois pictography -- 13. Indian doctor curing a sick man -- 14. Ancient art in the Carolinas -- 15. Atotarho, Iroquois hero -- 16. Soiengarahta, or King Hendric, at the Battle of Lake George -- 17. Ruins of old Fort Michilimackinac -- 18. Ohio Valley -- 19. Antique tabular block print from Cincinnati -- 20. Ceremony of the Thunder Birds -- 21. Red Jacket, or Sagoyawatha -- 22. St. Anthony's Falls -- 23. Feast of Mondamin -- 24. Magic medical pictographs -- 25. Black Hawk -- 26. Sources of the Mississippi -- 27. Itasca Lake -- 28. Spearing fish from a canoe -- 29. Map of the Indian Colony West -- 30. Gathering Tepia root in the Prairies -- 31. Gathering wild rice -- 32. Severity of female life -- 33. Feather of honor -- 34. Aztec funeral vase and cover -- 35. Mexican antiquities -- 36. Mexican antiquities -- 37. Mexican antiquities -- 38. Mexican antiquities -- 39. Mexican antiquities -- 40. Mexican antiquities -- 41. Antique palace and temple of the era of the discovery -- 42. Mexican antiquities -- 43. Antique pipe sculpture -- 44. Stone-type for figuring vegetable cloth -- 45. Antique shell medals and ornaments -- 46. Antique pictograph from Ohio -- 47. Apache drawings on rocks in New Mexico -- 48. Pictographs from rocks in the Connecticut Valley -- 49. Antique Virginia inscription in an old alphabet -- 50. Inscription and view of Monhagan Island -- 51. Onondaga sepulchral inscription -- 52. Chinook burial Oregon -- 53. Antique Phoenician inscription -- 54. Dental pictographs of Chippewas -- 55. Idol of Teoyamiqui -- 56. Mexican antiquities -- 57. Mexican antiquities -- 58. Nocturnal grave light --
WOOD-CUTS, [etc.] -- 59. Pyramids of Teotihuacan -- 60. Obsidian masque -- 61. Obsidian sculptures -- 62. Aztec arms, shield, and war dress -- 63. Census of the Indian tribes of the United States -- 64. Chronological table of missions.
Includes a comprehensive view of almost every aspect of the history, social mores, and struggles of the various Indian nations throughout North America; also Central and South America.
Also available online.
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Indians of North America.
Indians of North America.
Materia local
Indigenous peoples, North American.
United States.
Materia local
Indigenous peoples -- North America.
Indians, North American
Otro Autor
United States. Office of Indian Affairs.
Otro Título
Historical and statistical information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. V. 6
Título tejuelo
History, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States