Robert B. Parker's Opium Rose / Robert Knott.
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false Middletown, Russell Library - ON-ORDER (not available yet)
订货中 |
- 版本
- Large print edition.
- 载体形态
- pages cm
- 摘要
- When Marshal Virgil Cole's feisty niece Rose McMaster comes to Appaloosa asking for help investigating the mysterious death of her husband, and he and Everett Hitch uncover a large-scale opium operation, an embezzlement scheme, and a serious threat to Rose's well-being.
- 本地附注
- Quick Clicks.
- 主题
- Cole, Virgil (Fictitious character) -- Fiction.
- Hitch, Everett (Fictitious character) -- Fiction.
- United States marshals -- Fiction.
- Opium trade -- Fiction.
- San Francisco (Calif.) -- Fiction.
- Murder -- Fiction.
- Large type books.
- 类型/表格
- Western fiction.
- Novels.
- 附加题名
- Opium Rose
- 国际标准书号
- 9781432894788 40.99
- 1432894781 40.99