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Resultados 1 - 10 de 89 para Fiction in libraries United States.
Readers' advisory service in the public library / Joyce G. Saricks.
Saricks, Joyce G.
Libro | 2005 | -
A few good books : using contemporary readers' advisory strategies to connect readers with books / Stephanie L. Maatta.
Maatta, Stephanie L.
Libro | 2010 | -
The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction / Joyce G. Saricks.
Saricks, Joyce G.
Libro | 2009 | -
The readers' advisory guide to genre fiction / Neal Wyatt, Joyce G. Saricks.
Wyatt, Neal, author.
Libro | 2019 | -
The readers' advisory guide to historical fiction / Jennifer S. Baker.
Baker, Jennifer S., 1953-
Libro | 2015 | -
The readers' advisory guide to mystery / John Charles, Candace Clark, Joanne Hamilton-Selway, and Joanna Morrison.
Charles, John, 1962-
Libro | 2012 | -
The readers' advisory guide to horror / Becky Siegel Spratford.
Spratford, Becky Siegel, author.
Libro | 2021 | -
The readers' advisory guide to genre blends / Megan M. McArdle.
McArdle, Megan M., 1969-
Libro | 2015 | -
The Readers'' Advisory Guide to Genre Blends.
McArdle, Megan M., 1969-
E-Libro | 2015 | -
The Readers' Advisory Guide to Historical Fiction / Jennifer S. Baker ; Cover Image, André Klaassen.
Baker, Jennifer S., 1953- author.
E-Libro | 2015 |