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Wyniki 1 - 10 z 7778 dla frazy Literature History and criticism.
American writers; a collection of literary biographies / Leonard Unger, editor in chief.
Książka | 1974 | -
British writers / edited under the auspices of the British Council, Ian Scott-Kilvert, general editor.
Książka | 1979 - 1984 | -
How to read literature like a professor : a lively and entertaining guide to reading between the lines / Thomas C. Foster.
Foster, Thomas C., author.
Książka | 2014 | -
European writers / William T.H. Jackson, editor, George Stade, editor in chief.
Książka | 1983 - 1991 | -
Read dangerously : the subversive power of literature in troubled times / Azar Nafisi.
Nafisi, Azar, author.
Książka | 2022 | -
Great writers of the English language.
Książka | 1989 | -
Wild things : the joy of reading children's literature as an adult / Bruce Handy.
Handy, Bruce, author.
Książka | 2017 | -
Feel free : essays / Zadie Smith.
Smith, Zadie, author.
Książka | 2018 | -
When books went to war : the stories that helped us win World War II / Molly Guptill Manning.
Manning, Molly Guptill, 1980-
Książka | 2014 | -
Screwtape letters study guide : a Bible study on the C.S. Lewis book The screwtape letters.
Vermilye, Alan.
Książka elektroniczna | 2015 |