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结果 8的1 - 8 为 Montgomery, Rhonda J. V.
Encyclopedia of sociology / Edgar F. Borgatta, editor-in-chief, Rhonda Montgomery, managing editor.
图书 | 2000 | -
Caregiving across the lifespan : research, practice, policy / Ronda C. Talley, Rhonda J.V. Montgomery, editors.
电子图书 | 2013 | -
A new look at community-based respite programs : utilization, satisfaction, and development / Rhonda J.V. Montgomery, editor.
图书 | 2002 | -
Handbook of theories of aging / Vern L. Bengtson and Richard A. Settersten Jr., editors ; Brian K. Kennedy, Nancy Morrow-Howell, and Jacqui Smith, associate editors.
图书 | 2016 | -
Dementia and social work practice : research and interventions / Carole B. Cox, editor.
图书 | 2007 | -
Handbook of gerontology : evidence-based approaches to theory, practice, and policy / edited by James A. Blackburn, Catherine N. Dulmus.
图书 | 2007 | -
Quality care in geriatric settings : focus on ethical issues / Paul R. Katz, Robert L. Kane, Mathy D. Mezey.
图书 | 1995 | -
Family caregiving in an aging society : policy perspectives / editors, by Rosalie A. Kane, Joan D. Penrod.
图书 | 1995 |