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结果 48的1 - 10 为 Object relations (Psychoanalysis)
The Marion Milner method : psychoanalysis, autobiography, creativity / Emilia Halton-Hernandez.
Halton-Hernandez, Emilia, author.
电子图书 | 2023 | -
Self and other : object relations in psychoanalysis and literature / Robert Rogers.
Rogers, Robert, 1928-
电子图书 | 1991 | -
Spirit and psyche : a new paradigm for psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy / Victor L. Schermer ; foreword by Kenneth Porter.
Schermer, Victor L.
电子图书 | 2003 | -
The reproduction of mothering : psychoanalysis and the sociology of gender / Nancy Chodorow.
Chodorow, Nancy, 1944-
图书 | 1979 | -
Attachment theory : a guide to strengthening the relationships in your life / Thais Gibson.
Gibson, Thais, author.
可下载的有声读物 | 2021 | -
Are you my mother? : a comic drama / Alison Bechdel.
Bechdel, Alison, 1960- author, artist.
漫画书籍 | 2013 | -
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy for personality disorders : an interview with Otto Kernberg, MD / Otto Kernberg, MD.
可下载的视频 | 2014 | -
On learning. Volume 2, Philosophies, concepts and practices / edited by David Scott.
电子图书 | 2024 | -
Art since 1900 : modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism / Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-alain Bois, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh and David Joselit.
图书 | 2011 | -
Encyclopedia of psychotherapy / editors-in-chief, Michel Hersen, William Sledge.
图书 | 2002 |