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Results 1 - 10 of 18 for Poetry History and criticism Dictionaries.
Critical survey of poetry.
Book | 2011 | -
Critical survey of poetry / Philip K. Jason, editor.
Book | 2003 - | -
Notable poets.
Book | 1998 | -
Critical survey of poetry. Supplement / edited by Frank N. Magill.
Book | 1987 | -
Poetry handbook : a dictionary of terms / Babette Deutsch.
Deutsch, Babette, 1895-1982.
Book | 2009 | -
Magill's survey of world literature / edited by Steven G. Kellman.
Book | 2009 | -
The New Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics / Alex Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan, co-editors ; Frank J. Warnke, O.B. Hardison, Jr., and Earl Miner, associate editors.
Book | 1993 | -
The Oxford companion to women's writing in the United States / editors in chief, Cathy N. Davidson, Linda Wagner-Martin ; editors, Elizabeth Ammons .. [and others]..
Book | 1995 | -
Historical dictionary of the beat movement / Paul Varner.
Varner, Paul.
Book | 2012 | -
The Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics / editor in chief, Roland Greene ; general editor, Stephen Cushman ; associate editors, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, Paul Rouzer, ; assistant editors, Harris Feinsod, David Marno, Alexandra Slessarev.
Book | 2012 |