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结果 162的21 - 30 为 Psychology Textbooks.
Introduction to psychology : the full Noba Collection.
电子图书 | 2016 - | -
Together : the science of social psychology / [Robert Biswas-Diener, Ed Diener, editors].
电子图书 | 2016 - | -
Introduction to psychology.
电子图书 | 2015 - | -
General psychology : an introduction / Tori Kearns, Deborah Lee.
Kearns, Tori, author.
电子图书 | 2015 | -
Principles of social psychology / Charles Stangor.
Stangor, Charles, author.
电子图书 | 2014 | -
Introduction to psychology / Charles Stangor, Jennifer Walinga.
Stangor, Charles, author.
电子图书 | 2014 | -
Principles of social psychology / Dr. Charles Stangor, Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, Dr. Hammond Tarry.
Stangor, Charles.
电子图书 | 2014 | -
Psychology / senior contributing authors, Rosie M. Spielman.
Spielman, Rose M., author.
电子图书 | 2014 - | -
Activities for teaching positive psychology : a guide for instructors / edited by Jeffrey J. Froh and Acacia C. Parks.
电子图书 | 2013 | -
Psychology around us / Ronald Comer, Elizabeth Gould.
Comer, Ronald J.
图书 | 2011 |